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    Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop

    Beschreibung Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop. Irish Independent Music Book of the YearGuardian Book of the WeekAfter discovering a derelict record plant on the edge of a northern English city, and hearing that it was once visited by David Bowie, Karl Whitney embarks upon a journey to explore the industrial cities of British pop music.Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Hull, Glasgow, Belfast, Birmingham, Coventry, Bristol: at various points in the past these cities have all had distinctive and highly identifiable sounds. But how did this happen? What circumstances enabled those sounds to emerge? How did each particular city - its history, its physical form, its accent - influence its music? How were these cities and their music different from each other? And what did they have in common?Hit Factories tells the story of British pop through the cities that shaped it, tracking down the places where music was performed, recorded and sold, and the people - the performers, entrepreneurs, songwriters, producers and fans - who made it all happen. From the venues and recording studios that occupied disused cinemas, churches and abandoned factories to the terraced houses and back rooms of pubs where bands first rehearsed, the terrain of British pop can be retraced with a map in hand and a head filled with music and its many myths.

    Buch Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop PDF ePub

    Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of ~ Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop By Karl Whitney. Music from the many cities covered by my book Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop, published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 66 songs. Play on Spotify

    Buy Hit Factories 9781474607407 by Karl Whitney for only £17.4 ~ Hit Factories tells the story of British pop through the cities that shaped it, tracking down the places where music was performed, recorded and sold, and the people - the performers, entrepreneurs, songwriters, producers and fans - who made it all happen. From the venues and recording studios that occupied disused cinemas, churches and abandoned factories to the terraced houses and back rooms .

    Hit Factories a Journey Through The Industrial Cities of ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hit Factories a Journey Through The Industrial Cities of British Pop by Karl WH at the best online prices at eBay!

    Hit Factories A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of ~ Hit Factories A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop / The vibrant story of how the sound of British pop music was shaped by its industrial cities / / Duży wybór książek i podręczników angielskojęzycznych, encyklopedii, słowniki i audiobooki.

    Hit Factories Book Reviews / Books in the Media ~ A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop. Karl Whitney . 4.00 out of 5. 4 reviews. Category: Non-fiction, Travel. Imprint: Weidenfeld & Nicolson . Publisher: Orion Publishing Co . Publication date: 27 Jun 2019 . ISBN: 9781474607407 . The vibrant story of how the sound of British pop music was shaped by its industrial cities. 4 stars out of 5. Murray Withers. 16 Aug 2019 "A new .

    Karl Whitney – Writer ~ My second book, Hit Factories: A Journey Through the Industrial Cities of British Pop, is out now in paperback and e-book format from Weidenfeld & Nicolson.(Order it from here). Hardback cover. Roddy Doyle said: The book’s a joy. I wanted to move to Hull while reading that chapter and – almost – wanted to listen to Black Sabbath for the first time since 1974 …

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