Beschreibung Business Case Analysis with R: Simulation Tutorials to Support Complex Business Decisions. This tutorial teaches you how to use the statistical programming language R to develop a business case simulation and analysis. It presents a methodology for conducting business case analysis that minimizes decision delay by focusing stakeholders on what matters most and suggests pathways for minimizing the risk in strategic and capital allocation decisions. Business case analysis, often conducted in spreadsheets, exposes decision makers to additional risks that arise just from the use of the spreadsheet environment. R has become one of the most widely used tools for reproducible quantitative analysis, and analysts fluent in this language are in high demand. The R language, traditionally used for statistical analysis, provides a more explicit, flexible, and extensible environment than spreadsheets for conducting business case analysis. The main tutorial follows the case in which a chemical manufacturing company considers constructing a chemical reactor and production facility to bring a new compound to market. There are numerous uncertainties and risks involved, including the possibility that a competitor brings a similar product online. The company must determine the value of making the decision to move forward and where they might prioritize their attention to make a more informed and robust decision. While the example used is a chemical company, the analysis structure it presents can be applied to just about any business decision, from IT projects to new product development to commercial real estate. The supporting tutorials include the perspective of the founder of a professional service firm who wants to grow his business and a member of a strategic planning group in a biomedical device company who wants to know how much to budget in order to refine the quality of information about critical uncertainties that might affect the value of a chosen product development pathway. What You’ll LearnSet up a business case abstraction in an influence diagram to communicate the essence of the problem to other stakeholdersModel the inherent uncertainties in the problem with Monte Carlo simulation using the R languageCommunicate the results graphicallyDraw appropriate insights from the resultsDevelop creative decision strategies for thorough opportunity cost analysisCalculate the value of information on critical uncertainties between competing decision strategies to set the budget for deeper data analysisConstruct appropriate information to satisfy the parameters for the Monte Carlo simulation when little or no empirical data are available Who This Book Is For Financial analysts, data practitioners, and risk/business professionals; also appropriate for graduate level finance, business, or data science students
Business Case Analysis with R - Simulation Tutorials to ~ This tutorial teaches you how to use the statistical programming language R to develop a business case simulation and analysis. It presents a methodology for conducting business case analysis that minimizes decision delay by focusing stakeholders on what matters most and suggests pathways for minimizing the risk in strategic and capital allocation decisions.
Business Case Analysis with R - Leanpub ~ Business Case Analysis with R A Simulation Tutorial to Support Complex Business Decisions. This book is 100% complete. Completed on 2017-12-02. Robert D. Brown III. Business case analysis, often conducted in spreadsheets, exposes decision makers to additional risks that arise just from the use of the spreadsheet environment. The R language, traditionally used for statistical analysis, provides .
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications: With R Examples ~ Appendix R is new to this edition, and it includes a small R tutorial as well as providing a reference for the data sets and scripts included in tsa3.rda. So there is no misunderstanding, we emphasize the fact that this text is about time series analysis, not about R. R code is provided simply to enhance the
Statistics Using R with Biological Examples ~ introduce the utilization of R as a tool for analyzing their data. My goal is to reach those with little or no training in higher level statistics so that they can do more of their own data analysis, communicate more with statisticians, and appreciate the great potential statistics has to offer as a tool to answer biological questions. This is necessary in light of the increasing use of higher .
R Tutorial - Tutorialspoint ~ This tutorial is designed for software programmers, statisticians and data miners who are looking forward for developing statistical software using R programming. If you are trying to understand the R programming language as a beginner, this tutorial will give you enough understanding on almost all the concepts of the language from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.
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Hypothesis Testing / R Tutorial ~ An R tutorial on statistical hypothesis testing based on critical value approach.
Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics Introduction, Code ~ Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics Introduction, Code and Commentary J H Maindonald Centre for Mathematics and Its Applications, Australian National University. ©J. H. Maindonald 2000, 2004, 2008. A licence is granted for personal study and classroom use. Redistribution in any other form is prohibited. Languages shape the way we think, and determine what we can think about (Benjamin Whorf .
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