Beschreibung Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512. Gain the fundamentals of x86 64-bit assembly language programming and focus onthe updated aspects of the x86 instruction set that are most relevant to applicationsoftware development. This book covers topics including x86 64-bit programming andAdvanced Vector Extensions (AVX) programming. The focus in this second edition is exclusively on 64-bit base programming architectureand AVX programming. Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming’s structure andsample code are designed to help you quickly understand x86 assembly languageprogramming and the computational capabilities of the x86 platform. After readingand using this book, you’ll be able to code performance-enhancing functions andalgorithms using x86 64-bit assembly language and the AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 instruction set extensions.What You Will LearnDiscover details of the x86 64-bit platform including its core architecture, data types,registers, memory addressing modes, and the basic instruction setUse the x86 64-bit instruction set to create performance-enhancing functions thatare callable from a high-level language (C++)Employ x86 64-bit assembly language to efficiently manipulate common data typesand programming constructs including integers, text strings, arrays, and structuresUse the AVX instruction set to perform scalar floating-point arithmeticExploit the AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 instruction sets to significantly accelerate theperformance of computationally-intense algorithms in problem domains such asimage processing, computer graphics, mathematics, and statisticsApply various coding strategies and techniques to optimally exploit the x86 64-bit,AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 instruction sets for maximum possible performanceWho This Book Is For Software developers who want to learn how to write code using x86 64-bit assembly language. It’s also ideal for software developers who already have a basic understanding of x86 32-bit or 64-bit assembly language programming and are interested in learning how to exploit the SIMD capabilities of AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512.
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming - Covers x86 64 ~ Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512. Authors: Kusswurm, Daniel . and AVX programming. Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming’s structure and. sample code are designed to help you quickly understand x86 assembly language . programming and the computational capabilities of the x86 platform. After reading. and using this book, you’ll be able to code performance-enhancing functions .
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64 ~ Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 / Kusswurm, Daniel / ISBN: 9781484240625 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming (eBook, PDF) von ~ Gain the fundamentals of x86 64-bit assembly language programming and focus on the updated aspects of the x86 instruction set that are most relevant to application software development. This book covers topics including x86 64-bit programming and Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) programming. The focus in this second edition is exclusively on 64-bit base programming architecture and AVX .
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64 ~ Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming’s structure and sample code are designed to help you quickly understand x86 assembly language programming and the computational capabilities of the x86 platform. After reading and using this book, you’ll be able to code performance-enhancing functions and algorithms using x86 64-bit assembly language and the AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 instruction set .
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64 ~ Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 (English Edition) eBook: Daniel Kusswurm: : Kindle-Shop
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