Beschreibung Complex Enterprise Architecture: A New Adaptive Systems Approach. Implement successful and cost-effective enterprise architecture projects. This book provides a new approach to developing enterprise architecture based on the idea of emergent behaviors―where instead of micromanaging system implementation, the enterprise architecture effort establishes clear goals and leaves the details to the implementation teams. System development efforts are measured based on their contribution to achieving business goals instead of implementing specific (possibly outdated) requirements. Most enterprise architecture initiatives employ one of the existing system architecture frameworks such as Zachman or The Open Group Architecture Framework, but these are not well-suited for enterprise architecture in a modern, agile organization. The new approach presented in this book is based on the author’s experience with large enterprise architecture efforts. The approach leverages research into complex adaptive systems and emergent behaviors, where a few simple rules result in complex and efficient enterprise behaviors. Simplifying the task of establishing and maintaining the enterprise architecture cuts the costs of building and maintaining the architecture and frees up those resources for more productive pursuits. System implementers are given the freedom to rapidly adapt to changing user needs without the blessing of the enterprise modeling priesthood, and the architecture is transformed from a static pile of obscure models and documents into an operational framework that can be actively used to manage an enterprise’s resources to better achieve business goals. The enterprise architect is free to stop focusing on building and maintaining models and start focusing on achieving business goals. What You’ll Learn Refocus enterprise architecture on business needs by eliminating most of the enterprise-level modelsDelegate tasks to the development teams who do system implementationDocument business goals, establish strategies for achieving those goals, and measure progress toward those goalsMeasure the results and gauge whether the enterprise architecture is achieving its goalsUtilize appropriate modeling techniques that can be effectively used in an enterprise architecture Who This Book Is ForArchitecture practitioners and architecture managers: Practitioners are experienced architects who have used existing frameworks such as Zachman, and have experience with formal architecture modeling and/or model-based system engineering; managers are responsible for managing an enterprise architecture project and either have experience with enterprise architecture projects that were ineffective or are looking for a different approach that will be more cost-effective and allow for more organizational agility. Government program managers looking for a different approach to make enterprise architecture more relevant and easier to implement will also find this book of value.
Complex Enterprise Architecture - A New Adaptive Systems ~ The approach leverages research into complex adaptive systems and emergent behaviors, where a few simple rules result in complex and efficient enterprise behaviors. Simplifying the task of establishing and maintaining the enterprise architecture cuts the costs of building and maintaining the architecture and frees up those resources for more productive pursuits.
Complex Enterprise Architecture: A New Adaptive Systems ~ Most enterprise architecture initiatives employ one of the existing system architecture frameworks such as Zachman or The Open Group Architecture Framework, but these are not well-suited for enterprise architecture in a modern, agile organization. The new approach presented in this book is based on the author’s experience with large enterprise architecture efforts. The approach leverages .
Complex Enterprise Architecture: A New Adaptive Systems ~ The new approach presented in this book is based on the author’s experience with large enterprise architecture efforts. The approach leverages research into complex adaptive systems and emergent behaviors, where a few simple rules result in complex and efficient enterprise behaviors.
Complex Enterprise Architecture: A New Adaptive Systems ~ Get Complex Enterprise Architecture: A New Adaptive Systems Approach now with O’Reilly online learning. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers.
Complex Adaptive Systems Thinking Approach to Enterprise ~ Complex Adaptive Systems Thinking Approach to Enterprise Architecture: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4518-9.ch003: Complex systems interact with an environment where a high degree of uncertainty exists. To reduce uncertainty, enterprises (should) create intelligence. This
Fractal architecture for the adaptive complex enterprise ~ The author concludes the article by citing some ways that businesses can benefit from integrating these adaptive complex enterprise (ACE) patterns into their enterprise IT architectures. I agree with the author's opinion that complex modern systems have to be modeled in different ways than traditional systems are. The approach described here seems to be a good concept, and the results from its .
Complex Adaptive Systems Theory in the Context of Business ~ In this paper we contend that Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory can be an alternative approach to better examine underpinnings of the very notion of business process. In this regard, we articulate the basic principles of CAS in the business process management context. It is this articulation that paves the way to establish an appropriate account for BPM. Keywords Business process .
The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach ~ Enterprise architecture (EA) is a set of descriptions relevant to both business and IT intended to bridge the communication gap between business and IT stakeholders in organizations, facilitate information systems planning and improve business and IT alignment. Due to complex historical reasons, the notion of enterprise architecture was always surrounded by endless speculations, dangerous .
Build Adaptive Security Architecture Into Your ~ Many enterprise IT security teams spend much of their time focused on preventing a cyberattack. In doing so, they have implemented a “incident response” mindset rather than a “continuous response” where systems are assumed to be compromised and require continuous monitoring and remediation. The adaptive security architecture is a useful framework to help organisations classify existing .
4 Examples of System Architecture - Simplicable ~ System architecture is the structural design of systems. Systems are a class of software that provide foundational services and automation. The following are illustrative examples of system architecture. Components A basic approach to architecture is to separate work into components. These may be designed to be reusable. Components also serve to reduce extremely complex problems into small .
Enterprise Architect Downloads / Sparx Systems ~ The Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Free Downloads page. This page provides information and download links to resources commonly used with the Trial edition of Enterprise Architect . Products . Enterprise Architect. What is new in v15.2 What was new in v15.1 What was new in v15 Overview Professional Corporate Unified Ultimate Compare Editions Free Trial Registered Downloads. Additional Info .
Enterprise architecture framework - Wikipedia ~ Overview. Enterprise architecture regards the enterprise as a large and complex system or system of systems. To manage the scale and complexity of this system, an architectural framework provides tools and approaches that help architects abstract from the level of detail at which builders work, to bring enterprise design tasks into focus and produce valuable architecture description documentation.
Archello / Your connection with architecture ~ Discover the products, stories and involved professionals behind architectural projects. Browse thousands of projects and products on Archello.
Microsoft cloud architecture models - enterprise resource ~ Architecture approaches for Microsoft cloud tenant-to-tenant migrations. This series of topics illustrates several architecture approaches for mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and other scenarios that might lead you to migrate to a new cloud tenant. These topics provide starting-point guidance for enterprise resource planning.
Microservices architecture / Microsoft Docs ~ Microservices architecture. 09/20/2018; 3 minutes to read; In this article. As the name implies, a microservices architecture is an approach to building a server application as a set of small services. That means a microservices architecture is mainly oriented to the back-end, although the approach is also being used for the front end.
What is enterprise architecture? A framework for ~ Enterprise architecture is the process by which organizations standardize and organize IT infrastructure to aligns with business goals. These strategies support digital transformation, IT growth .
A Meta-Framework for Efficacious Adaptive Enterprise ~ Tuning enterprise architectures to stay competitive and fit is an enduring challenge for organizations. This study postulates a meta-framework for Efficacious Adaptive Enterprise Architectures (EA), the 2EA framework. We use fundamental long-standing principles found in complex adaptive systems. These principles explain adaptive success. Also .
What is Enterprise Architecture (EA)? ~ Agile enterprise architecture -- which focuses an organization around a flexible, extended collection of structures and processes that can grow. It can become an important part to agile software delivery. Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) – which is a reference model that was introduced in 1996 for IT effectiveness. It was .
System of systems - Wikipedia ~ System of systems is a collection of task-oriented or dedicated systems that pool their resources and capabilities together to create a new, more complex system which offers more functionality and performance than simply the sum of the constituent systems. Currently, systems of systems is a critical research discipline for which frames of reference, thought processes, quantitative analysis .
Performing Organizational Assessments / The MITRE Corporation ~ Organizational assessments follow a system science approach to assess the dynamics at work in the sponsor's organization. The approach is to collect data and analyze factors that impact organizational performance to identify areas of strength as well as opportunity. There are a number of excellent models for understanding and analyzing data during an organizational change assessment, including .
EA and Cloud Governance / LeanIX ~ LeanIX - Enterprise Architecture & Cloud Governance for enterprises that need to manage a complex IT landscape. Get a free demo now!
AUTOSAR – Wikipedia ~ AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) ist eine 2003 gegründete weltweite Entwicklungspartnerschaft von Automobilherstellern, Zulieferern und anderen Unternehmen aus der Elektronik-, Halbleiter- und Softwareindustrie.Sie verfolgt den Zweck, eine offene und standardisierte Softwarearchitektur für elektronische Steuergeräte (ECUs) zu entwickeln und zu etablieren.