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    Stone, D: Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics

    Beschreibung Stone, D: Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics. Queensland’s Tropics provide numerous environments for enjoyable walking: from lush rainforests, cloud-shrouded mountains and extinct volcanoes to drier savanna woodlands and magnificent beaches on the coast and Great Barrier Reef islands. This book brings together more than 150 of the best walks, tracks or trails in Queensland’s Tropics, located within the coastal strip between Rockhampton and Cooktown. Walks vary from short boardwalk strolls in the lowland rainforests of Daintree National Park to 4-6 day hiking and camping trips on Hinchinbrook Island. Other routes follow old gold miners’ and forestry tracks, coaching routes, historical sites, and Aboriginal communication tracks where Dreamtime stories add a further dimension. Most routes are best completed during the "Dry" season (May to October) and walked by moderately fit individuals.* Easy-to-interpret maps and full color photos are included to help you navigate the 150 walks,tracks and trails* Routes can be walked by moderately fit individuals and do not require specialist navigation* The book’s size makes it convenient to carry in the backpack or glove compartment

    Buch Stone, D: Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics PDF ePub

    Download [PDF] Walks Tracks And Trails Of Queenslands ~ Walks Tracks And Trails Of Queenslands Tropics Download Walks Tracks And Trails Of Queenslands Tropics ebook PDF or Read Online books in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to Walks Tracks And Trails Of Queenslands Tropics book pdf for free now. Walks Tracks And Trails Of Queensland S Tropics. Author : Derrick Ian Stone ISBN : 9781486303083 Genre : Hiking File Size .

    Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics: Stone ~ Derrick Stone is a keen outdoors person who enjoys bushwalking and exploring new environments. Derrick wrote Walks, Tracks and Trails of Victoria and Walks, Tracks and Trails of New South Wales (both published by CSIRO Publishing). Derrick has further increased his knowledge of the natural environment through his profession as a freelance graphic designer with a long history of producing books .

    Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics / Angus ~ This book brings together more than 150 of the best walks, tracks, or trails in Queensland's Tropics, located within the coastal strip between Rockhampton and Cooktown. Walks vary from short boardwalk strolls in the lowland rainforests of Daintree National Park to 4-6 day hiking and camping trips on Hinchinbrook Island.

    Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics eBook ~ Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics eBook: Stone, Derrick: .au: Kindle Store

    (ebook) Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics ~ This book brings together more than 150 of the best walks, tracks or trails in Queensland's tropics, located within the coastal strip between Rockhampton and Cooktown. Walks vary from short boardwalk strolls in the lowland rainforests of Daintree National Park to 4-6 day hiking and camping trips on Hinchinbrook Island. Other routes follow old gold miners' and forestry tracks or coaching routes .

    (ebook) Walks, Tracks and Trails of Queensland's Tropics ~ This book brings together more than 150 of the best walks, tracks or trails in Queensland’s tropics, located within the coastal strip between Rockhampton and Cooktown. Walks vary from short boardwalk strolls in the lowland rainforests of Daintree National Park to 4-6 day hiking and camping trips on Hinchinbrook Island. Other routes follow old gold miners’ and forestry tracks or coaching .

    Great Walks topographic maps / Parks and forests ~ Six of the ten Great Walks of Queensland have brochures with topographic maps. These have been produced by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS), in the interests of visitor safety. The QPWS topographic maps provide safety information and good orientation with accurate topographic data to help walkers enjoy walking through some stunning scenery without getting lost. On-screen versions .

    Walking / Parks and forests / Department of Environment ~ Walking tracks are designed to be enjoyed by everyone, from families with small children in strollers and visitors with limited walking abilities or who use wheelchairs, through to serious hikers seeking more challenging walks. Tracks are graded from easy to difficult so you’re sure to find one to suit your preferences and abilities. Short walks. Your options for short walks through .

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