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    Fashion and Technology: A Guide to Materials and Applications

    Beschreibung Fashion and Technology: A Guide to Materials and Applications. Technology has always impacted the practice of fashion design. From materials to new manufacturing processes of the industrial age, advancements in technological possibility have driven forward our understanding of the aesthetics, style, and functionality of garments and accessories. Current emerging technologies are changing our understanding of fashion yet have progressed without being readily accessible to the practicing designer.Fashion and Technology: A Guide to Materials and Applications provides a conceptual framing of how new technologies function in relation to fashion and provides specific instruction on how to begin working with varied tools. The reader is introduced to this field in a way that builds bridges across disciplines, while still identifying key distinctions between each practice that serve to strengthen and support knowledge in each field.This practical guide covers areas of new materials, textile technology, electronics and programming and their application to smart garments and textiles through step-by-step procedures. Higly visual tutorials follow a consistent format for presenting each technique including descriptions, materials and supplies, workspace, safety considerations or hazards, numbered steps and finished examples. Topics covered include designing with electronics, such as LEDs, sensors, electroluminescent materials, conductive and reactive materials and digital fabrication technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting. A unique chapter on designing with code introduces programmatic concepts and terminology and how they can be incorporated into the design process. Readers will find inspiration in designer interviews and case studies that showcase the innovative fashion collections and forward-thinking collaborations.

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