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    Mathematics for Retail Buying: Studio Instant Access

    Beschreibung Mathematics for Retail Buying: Studio Instant Access. Mathematics for Retail Buying, 8th Edition, introduces merchandising and retailing students to the most important concepts in retail math through step-by-step examples with practice problems and solutions. Coverage begins with the skeletal profit and loss statement, and moves through retail pricing and repricing of merchandise, markups, markdowns, the retail method of inventory, six-month, and assortment planning. This extensively updated edition introduces a new co-author and a practical approach that incorporates actual retail scenarios and concepts that are relevant to the fashion industry today. The book has been reorganized into six chapters, each covering a mathematical factor that affects the gross margin and profitability key to the success of any merchandise buyer or planner. The new edition also integrates current retail business metrics and an increased focus on the six-month planning process, including a new assortment planning section with examples. New to This Edition:- Reorganized Chapters 1 and 6 reflect the order of prior editions and open the textbook with the discussion of merchandising for profit and profit and loss concepts - Chapter 5, Six-Month Planning and Components, expanded to include more coverage of assortment planning with a new "Formulating a Six-Month Plan" case study- More than 50% of practice problems in each chapter are new or have been updated to reflect current industry practice- Includes 4 new case studies that illustrate practical retailing situations and common obstacles and difficulties encountered in real-life merchandisingFeatures - All applicable concept problems are expressed in spreadsheet as well as traditional arithmetic format- Select Answers at the end of the book helps students check their understanding as they complete Practice Problems- Key Concept Formulas at the beginning of each chapter and a complete Glossary of Concept Formulas at the end of the book provide easy referenceMathematics for Retail Buying STUDIO-Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips-Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions and key formulas -Practice your skills by computing Practice Problems from the text, now available digitally with formulas embedded in the Excel spreadsheets-Enhance your knowledge with additional real world case studies and activities for each chapterInstructor Resources-Answer Manual provides demonstrative step-by-step solutions to all practice problems-Test Bank offers exams for each chapter-PowerPoint presentations provide a framework for lecture and discussionPLEASE NOTE: Purchasing or renting this ISBN does not include access to the STUDIO resources that accompany this text. To receive free access to the STUDIO content with new copies of this book, please refer to the book + STUDIO access card bundle ISBN 9781501315725.

    Buch Mathematics for Retail Buying: Studio Instant Access PDF ePub

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