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    Davis Burns, L: Sustainability and Social Change in Fashion

    Beschreibung Davis Burns, L: Sustainability and Social Change in Fashion. "This is a primer for future fashion game changers." Kelly Cobb, University of Delaware, USLearn how to be sustainable and work for social change in the fashion industry. The book explains concepts, applications, legal and regulatory issues, and tools available to professionals throughout the fashion industry. Call to Action Activities, case studies, Conversations with industry professionals, and Company Highlights in every chapter will help you practice sustainability in your career. Some of the featured companies include ABL Denim, Eileen Fisher, Patagonia, Alabama Chanin, Everlane, thredUP, Krochet Kids intl, Loomstate, and Conscious Step. Industry professionals interviewed include Treana Peake, Caryn Franklin, Annie Gullingsrud, Katherine Soucie, and Elizabeth Shorrock, among others. Online STUDIO resources include case studies, self-quizzes, and glossary flashcards.PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing or renting this ISBN does not include access to the STUDIO resources that accompany this text. To receive free access to the STUDIO content with new copies of this book, please refer to the book + STUDIO access card bundle ISBN 9781501334214.

    Buch Davis Burns, L: Sustainability and Social Change in Fashion PDF ePub

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