Beschreibung The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've Sold to Machines. The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation--and how we can thrive in this new era.We are at the dawn of the Autonomous Revolution, a turning point in human history as decisive as the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. More and more, AI-based machines are replacing human beings, and online environments are gathering our data and using it to manipulate us. This loss of human autonomy amounts to nothing less than a societal phase change, a fundamental paradigm shift. The same institutions will remain--schools, banks, churches, and corporations--but they will radically change form, obey new rules, and use new tools. William H. Davidow and Michael S. Malone go deeply into the enormous implications of these developments. They show why increases in productivity no longer translate into increases in the GDP and how zero cost, one-to-many communications have been turned into tools for cybercrime and propaganda. Many of the book's recommendations--such as using taxes to control irresponsible internet behavior and enabling people to put their data into what are essentially virtual personal information "safety deposit boxes"--are bold and visionary, but we must figure out how we will deal with these emerging challenges now, before the Autonomous Revolution overcomes us.
The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've ~ "The Autonomous Revolution" by Davidow and Malone is an important guide to plan for the future. The authors discuss the demise of the good job, the growing lack of privacy, the need for cybersecurity, new phase changes in technology and the adjustments needed to experience the benefits of the autonomous revolution rather than the inevitable negations associated with mind altering changes.
1523087617 Autonomous Revolution Reclaiming Future Weve ~ The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've Sold to Machines. William H. Davidow, Michael S. Malone. The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation—and how we can thrive in this new era. The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've . The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've
The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We've ~ We are at the dawn of the Autonomous Revolution, a turning point in human history as decisive as the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. More and more, AI-based machines are replacing human beings, and online environments are gathering our data and using it to manipulate us. This loss of human autonomy amounts to nothing less than a societal phase change, a fundamental paradigm shift. The .
AUTONOMOUS REVOLUTION, THE: RECLAIMING THE FUTURE WE'VE ~ Buy AUTONOMOUS REVOLUTION, THE: RECLAIMING THE FUTURE WE'VE SOLD TO MACHINES:9781523087617 by DAVIDOW & MALONE Technology & Computing English Books available at Asiabooks with special promotions.
The Autonomous Revolution by William H. Davidow, Michael S ~ The Autonomous Revolution Reclaiming the Future We've Sold to Machines . a turning point in human history as decisive as the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. More and more, AI-based machines are replacing human beings, and online environments are gathering our data and using it to manipulate us. This loss of human autonomy amounts to nothing less than a societal phase change, a .
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Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live ~ The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We’ve Sold to Machines. William H. Davidow . The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation—and how we can thrive in this new era. We are at the dawn of the Autonomous Revolution, a turning point in human .
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Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet by ~ The Autonomous Revolution: Reclaiming the Future We’ve Sold to Machines. William H. Davidow . The coauthors of the seminal book The Virtual Corporation describe how the rise of artificial intelligence and virtual environments are ushering in an epic cultural transformation—and how we can thrive in this new era. We are at the dawn of the Autonomous Revolution, a turning point in human .
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Something Ventured -- Silicon Valley Podcast / Listen via ~ He is author of the new book, with tech journalist Michael Malone, THE AUTONOMOUS REVOLUTION: Reclaiming the Future We’ve Sold to Machines (Berrett-Koehler, February 18, 2020). It’s a provocative look at how to safeguard humanity from our autonomous future and how to harness its benefits. According to Davidow and Malone, for the third time in the history of humanity civilization is undergoing phase change. The first was the Agricultural Revolution, the second the Industrial Revolution .
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