Beschreibung Hotel Restaurant and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach. A student-friendly approach to hospitality law. Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach arms future hospitality industry personnel with the legal knowledge needed to enhance the guest's experience and avoid lawsuits. With a focus on prevention, the book aims to minimize the number of lawsuits a hospitality establishment experiences. Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach: engages the reader with relevant case studies. Many examples include case questions to further assist student comprehension. provides a concentrated summary of issues addressed in each Chapter through sections titled ""Preventive Law Tips for Managers"". includes updated references to new laws, new cases, technological changes and advancements, and new factual circumstances in the hospitality industry. features new web site references which offer students expanded exposure to Chapter topics. develops critical thinking skills in managers. enhances student ability to read and comprehend the material with plain-English explanations and many subtopics. challenges students with end-of-Chapter questions. Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach is organized into four units: Legal Fundamentals for the Hospitality Industry presents the sources and principles of hospitality law, basic court procedures, civil rights issues, and contract law. Negligence presents the legal principles relevant to this topic and many cases that help define the scope of obligations and liability. Relationships with Guests and Other Patrons explores the special responsibilities that hospitality businesses have to their various constituencies. Special Topics addresses food and alcohol liability; legal duties of airlines and car rental companies; employment matters; franchising; copyrights and trademarks; licensing; travel agents; and laws relevant to casinos, theme parks, spas, and hotel condominiums.
Hotel, restaurant, and travel law : a preventive approach ~ "Hotel and restaurant owners alike will benefit from the information contained in this book. Written without legalese, it will help the user avoid lawsuits, protecting guests from unnecessary injury and the facility from financially draining litigation. A new chapter on casino law will introduce the reader to the prominent new role that casinos are playing in the hospitality industry and their .
Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach ~ A student-friendly approach to hospitality law. Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach arms future hospitality industry personnel with the legal knowledge needed to enhance the guest’s experience and avoid lawsuits. With a focus on prevention, the book aims to minimize the number of lawsuits a hospitality establishment experiences.
Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach ~ For students and practicing professionals in hospitality, travel and tourism as well as specialized paralegal work, Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law: A Preventative Approach, 7th Edition, addresses legal issues confronted by managers in the hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries. The emphasis is on prevention of legal violations. By reading the book, managers can appreciate and .
[PDF]Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive ~ Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach Addresses legal issues confronted by managers in the Hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries. This book emphasizes on prevention of legal violations. It enables managers to identify what actions and precautions are necessary to avoid, or at least minimize, the number of lawsuits. Abstract. For students and practicing .
Full Version Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law Complete ~ For students and practicing professionals in hospitality, travel and tourism as well as specialized paralegal work, Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law: A Preventative Approach, 7th Edition, addresses legal issues confronted by managers in the hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries. The emphasis is on prevention of legal violations. By reading the book, managers can appreciate and .
Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law / Edition 7 by Karen ~ Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach, 7th Edition is for students and practicing professionals in hospitality, travel and tourism as well as specialized paralegal work. It addresses many legal issues that occur in the hospitality, travel and casino industries today. The emphasis is on the prevention of potential legal violations by identifying specific actions and .
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