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    World Wise: What to Know Before You Go

    Beschreibung World Wise: What to Know Before You Go. Targeting the global business practitioner, this book bridges the gap between buttoned-up culture textbooks and flippant how-to guides about global business and communication. World Wise covers topics ranging from general etiquette to business philosophies in specific regions of the world. It is suitable both for the seasoned professional involved in international business, hoping to sharpen skills, and the newcomer to the global business scene. Denslow seeks to help the reader overcome common cultural misunderstandings and establish effective working relationships around the world.

    Buch World Wise: What to Know Before You Go PDF ePub

    World Wise: What to Know Before You Go: Denslow, Lanie ~ World Wise covers topics ranging from general etiquette to business philosophies in specific regions of the world. It is suitable both for the seasoned professional involved in international business, hoping to sharpen skills, and the newcomer to the global business scene. Denslow seeks to help the reader overcome common cultural misunderstandings and establish effective working relationships .

    Study Guide for Global Business Cultural Competence - Wise ~ World Wise What to Know Before You Go . Targeting Americans doing business throughout the world this book bridges the gap between buttoned-up culture textbooks and flippant how-to guides. World Wise What to Know Before You Go can be considered a study guide for global business and covers topics from cultural differences in business, world history to practical advice for the global traveler .

    World Wise What To Know Before You Go - backpacker.br ~ World Wise What To Know Before You Go Author: www.backpacker.br-2020-10-31T00:00:00+00:01 Subject: World Wise What To Know Before You Go Keywords: world, wise, what, to, know, before, you, go Created Date: 10/31/2020 2:43:57 AM

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