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    Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell

    Beschreibung Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell. An interdisciplinary look at consumer and retails trends covers such topics as the history of retailing and consumption, different types of shopping experiences, strategies for success, and how cultural attitudes have changed over time.

    Buch Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell PDF ePub

    Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell ~ Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, Experiential Retailing moves beyond the traditional model of product assortment. It examines the history of retailing and consumption, and how cultural attitudes have changed over time. Different types of shopping experiences are described, and anecdotes and illustrations demonstrate strategies for success. Incisive, sensory, and .

    Experiential retailing : concepts and strategies that sell ~ Experiential retailing : concepts and strategies that sell. Responsibility Youn-Kyung Kim, Pauline Sullivan, Judith Cardona Forney. Imprint New York : Fairchild, c2007. Physical description xiii, 466 p. : ill ; 29 cm. Available online At the library. SAL3 (off-campus storage) Stacks Request (opens in new tab) Items in Stacks; Call number Status; HF5429 .K524 2007 Available More options Find it .

    Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell ~ Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell [Youn-Kyung Kim, Pauline Sullivan, Judith Cardona Forney] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies That Sell

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    Experiential Retailing Concepts and Strategies That Sell ~ COUPON: Rent Experiential Retailing Concepts and Strategies That Sell 1st edition (9781501364150) and save up to 80% on textbook rentals and 90% on used textbooks. Get FREE 7-day instant eTextbook access!

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