Beschreibung Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package. In today's global apparel industry, garments that are designed domestically are often manufactured overseas. The technical package, a series of forms that define a garment's specifications, is critical to ensuring that a particular style is executed correctly and in the most cost- and time-efficient manner possible. Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package presents the basics of production management and provides clear instructions for creating each component of a production package.
Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package ~ Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package [Myers-McDevitt, Paula J.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package
APPAREL PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT AND THE TECHNICAL PACKAGE ~ The technical package, a series of forms that define a garmentâs specifications, is critical to ensuring that a particular style is executed correctly and in the most cost- and time-efficient manner possible. Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package presents the basics of production management and provides clear instructions for creating each component of a production package .
Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package ~ About Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package In today's global apparel industry, garments that are designed domestically are often manufactured overseas. The technical package, a series of forms that define a garment's specifications, is critical to ensuring that a particular style is executed correctly and in the most cost- and time-efficient manner possible.
Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package ~ Apparel Production Management and the Technical Package by Paula J. Myers-McDevitt, 9781563678691, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
Apparel Production Management And The Technical Package [PDF] ~ apparel production management and the technical package Sep 12, 2020 Posted By J. K. Rowling Public Library TEXT ID f556f954 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library contents front matter preface acknowledgments part 1 introduction to production management part 1 introduction to production management introductory text production
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