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    Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution

    Beschreibung Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution. Freely available source code, with contributions from thousands of programmers around the world: this is the spirit of the software revolution known as Open Source. Open Source has grabbed the computer industry's attention. Netscape has opened the source code to Mozilla; IBM supports Apache; major database vendors haved ported their products to Linux. As enterprises realize the power of the open-source development model, Open Source is becoming a viable mainstream alternative to commercial software.Now in Open Sources, leaders of Open Source come together for the first time to discuss the new vision of the software industry they have created. The essays in this volume offer insight into how the Open Source movement works, why it succeeds, and where it is going.For programmers who have labored on open-source projects, Open Sources is the new gospel: a powerful vision from the movement's spiritual leaders. For businesses integrating open-source software into their enterprise, Open Sources reveals the mysteries of how open development builds better software, and how businesses can leverage freely available software for a competitive business advantage.The contributors here have been the leaders in the open-source arena:Brian Behlendorf (Apache)Kirk McKusick (Berkeley Unix)Tim O'Reilly (Publisher, O'Reilly & Associates)Bruce Perens (Debian Project, Open Source Initiative)Tom Paquin and Jim Hamerly (mozilla.org, Netscape)Eric Raymond (Open Source Initiative)Richard Stallman (GNU, Free Software Foundation, Emacs)Michael Tiemann (Cygnus Solutions)Linus Torvalds (Linux)Paul Vixie (Bind)Larry Wall (Perl)This book explains why the majority of the Internet's servers use open- source technologies for everything from the operating system to Web serving and email. Key technology products developed with open-source software have overtaken and surpassed the commercial efforts of billion dollar companies like Microsoft and IBM to dominate software markets. Learn the inside story of what led Netscape to decide to release its source code using the open-source mode. Learn how Cygnus Solutions builds the world's best compilers by sharing the source code. Learn why venture capitalists are eagerly watching Red Hat Software, a company that gives its key product -- Linux -- away.For the first time in print, this book presents the story of the open- source phenomenon told by the people who created this movement.Open Sources will bring you into the world of free software and show you the revolution.

    Buch Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution PDF ePub

    Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution ~ Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution is a fascinating look at the raging debate that is its namesake. Filled with writings from the central players--from Linux creator Linus Torvalds to Perl creator Larry Wall--the book convinces the reader of the overwhelming merits of freeing up the many iterations of software's source code.

    Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution ~ Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution 1st Edition January 1999 1-56592-582-3, Order Number: 5823 280 pages, $24.95

    Open sources : voices from the open source revolution ~ Open sources : voices from the open source revolution Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Open sources : voices from the open source .

    Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution ~ Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution is a fascinating look at the raging debate that is its namesake. Filled with writings from the central players–from Linux creator Linus Torvalds to Perl creator Larry Wall–the book convinces the reader of the overwhelming merits of freeing up the many iterations of software’s source code.

    Open Sources 2.0 The continuing Evolution: ~ Open Sources 2.0 is a collection of insightful and thought-provoking essays from today's technology leaders that continues painting the evolutionary picture that developed in the 1999 book Open Sources: Voices from the Revolution.. These essays explore open source's impact on the software industry and reveal how open source concepts are infiltrating other areas of commerce and society.

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    Open Sources [Book] - O’Reilly Online Learning ~ Freely available source code, with contributions from thousands of programmers around the world: this is the spirit of the software revolution known as Open Source. Open Source has grabbed the computer industry's attention. Netscape has opened the source code to Mozilla; IBM supports Apache; major database vendors haved ported their products to Linux. As enterprises realize the power of the .

    GitHub - freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source: A ~ Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution - Essays from open-source pioneers such as Linus Torvalds (Linux), Larry Wall (Perl), and Richard Stallman (GNU). Open Source contribution initiatives. Up For Grabs - Contains projects with beginner-friendly issues; First Timers Only - A list of bugs that are labelled "first-timers-only".

    Bob Fabry - Wikipedia ~ Bob Fabry, while a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley, conceived of the idea of obtaining DARPA funding for a radically improved version of AT&T Unix and started the Computer Systems Research Group.. See also. Unix File System; References

    Open Source Software: A History ~ Open Source Software: A History —page 1 Since 1998, the open source softw are movement has become a revolution in software development. However, the “revolution” in this rapidly changing field can actually trace its roots back at least 30 years.

    THE OPENPLC PROJECT / openplcproject ~ OpenPLC is an open-source Programmable Logic Controller (wiki) that is based on an easy to use software. The OpenPLC project was created in accordance with the IEC 61131-3 standard, which defines the basic software architecture and programming languages for PLCs. OpenPLC is mainly used on industrial and home automation, internet of things and SCADA research. You can check OpenPLC in action on .

    About Perl - www.perl ~ There are over 25,000 open source modules available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network . Text manipulation Perl includes powerful tools for processing text that make it ideal for working with HTML, XML, and all other mark-up and natural languages. Unicode support Supports Unicode version 6 (from Perl 5.14).

    Open Source im Unternehmen/ Literaturverzeichnis ~ Literatur []. BrĂŒgge, Bernd u. a. [Ökonomische Analyse, 2004]: Open-Source-Software.Eine ökonomische und technische Analyse, 1. Auflage, Berlin/Heidelberg 2004 .

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    Marshall Kirk McKusick – Wikipedia ~ In: Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution. O'Reilly Media, London 1999, ISBN 978-1-56592-582-3. Greg Lehey, Marshall Kirk McKusick: The Complete FreeBSD: Documentation from the Source. O'Reilly Media, London 2003, ISBN 978-0-596-00516-0.

    Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate - Wikipedia ~ The debate opened on January 29, 1992, . When the issue and full initial debate were published in the O'Reilly Media book Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution in 1999, it stated that the debate exemplified "the way the world was thinking about OS design at the time". The 386 processor was then the most widespread chip "by several times", according to participant Kevin Brown .

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    Portal:Freie Software/Literatur – Wikipedia ~ Dieser Artikel listet Literatur auf, die sich mit Themen rund um Freie Software oder Open-Source-Software beschĂ€ftigt.Dabei stehen die Akzeptanz von FLOSS in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, rechtliche Fragen sowie sozial-philosophische AnsĂ€tze im Mittelpunkt.. Literatur zu einzelnen Software-Projekten ist nicht hier, sondern am Ende des jeweiligen Artikels zu finden.

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