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    Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith (Bk Currents)

    Beschreibung Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith (Bk Currents). Joan Hangarter bought a disability policy in 1990 to protect her should she ever become seriously ill. She dutifully paid her annual premiums for nearly a decade. But when she became disabled, she and her children found themselves homeless and bankrupt when her insurer—UnumProvident—stopped paying her benefits. With the help of attorneys Ray Bourhis and Alice Wolfson, Hangarter won a landmark $7.7 million jury verdict against Unum. Hangarter’s dramatic story illustrates in shocking detail how insurance companies put profit above the promises they make to policyholders. Exposing the intricate systems insurance companies use to target and terminate expensive claims without just cause, Bourhis reveals the back-room mind-set that drives these illegal practices. He shows how low-level employees are duped into unethical conduct, how insurers manipulate data and witnesses in the few cases that do go to trial, and exactly what ordinary people are up against when forced to take on these behemoths. Bourhis paints a frightening picture of how key decisions by Congress and the US Supreme Court have enabled these schemes to continue unchecked—and he provides a sorely needed roadmap to reform.

    Buch Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith (Bk Currents) PDF ePub

    Insult to Injury : Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business ~ Get this from a library! Insult to Injury : Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith.. [Ray Bourhis] -- Through a case study in bad faith double-dealing by insurance providers, attorney Bourhis reveals the mindset that drives illegal practices, how low-level employees are duped into unethical conduct, .

    Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business ~ Buy Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith: Insurance Fraud and the Business of Bad Faith - How Insurance Companies Have a License to Steal from You (Bk Currents) by Ray Bourhis (ISBN: 9781576753491) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Insult To Injury Insurance Fraud And The Big Business Of ~ Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith. by Ray Bourhis / Aug 1, 2005. 4.2 out of 5 stars 15. Hardcover $17.48 $ 17. 48 $24.95 $24.95. Get it as soon as Wed, Aug 21. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by . Only 1 left in stock - order soon. More .

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