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    Drink DAT New Orleans: A Guide to the Best Cocktail Bars, Neighborhood Pubs, and All-Night Dives

    Beschreibung Drink DAT New Orleans: A Guide to the Best Cocktail Bars, Neighborhood Pubs, and All-Night Dives. New Orleans is an American city unlike any other, and its rich diversity is reflected in the world-class bar scene. In Drink Dat New Orleans, Elizabeth Pearce takes us on a tour of the city’s many unforgettable drinking spots, including a candle-lit tavern favored by pirates in the early eighteenth century and a watering hole so beloved by locals that several urns containing the ashes of former patrons rest in peace behind its bar. A Louisiana native and co-founder of the Southern Food and Beverage Museum, Pearce brings her lifelong love of food, beverage, and local lore to this ultimate drinker’s guide. From the nonstop parties on Bourbon Street to the classy cool of the Garden District, Drink Dat is the perfect way to explore America’s most spirited city.

    Buch Drink DAT New Orleans: A Guide to the Best Cocktail Bars, Neighborhood Pubs, and All-Night Dives PDF ePub

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    New Orleans' Top Bars ~ New Orleans is the birthplace of the cocktail, the go-cup, the drive-thru daiquiri shop, the hurricane, the grasshopper, the sazerac – we could go on and on. Suffice it to say that New Orleans is also home to several popular festivals and events every year that call out to beer, wine and cocktail enthusiasts from around the world.

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