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    Computer Wars: How the West Can Win in a Post-IBM World

    Beschreibung Computer Wars: How the West Can Win in a Post-IBM World. Two business writers and consultants chronicle IBM's rise to computer industry dominance in the 1970s through its decline in the early 1990s when this book was first published. Examining implications at the time for computer companies entering a period of vast opportunity and international competition, the chapters include the rise of the clones, competing in radically decentralized systems, and toward an American technology policy. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

    Buch Computer Wars: How the West Can Win in a Post-IBM World PDF ePub

    Computer wars : how the West can win in a post-IBM world ~ Computer wars : how the West can win in a post-IBM world Charles H. Ferguson and Charles R. Morris Times Books, c1993 1st ed

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