Beschreibung Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Money, sex, and love: Are they merely
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ Based on ten years of research,Economies of Desireis the first ethnographic study to examine the erotic underpinnings of transnational tourism. It offers startling insights into the commingling of sex, intimacy, and market forces in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, two nations where tourism has had widespread effects. In her multi-layered analyses, Amalia Cabezas reconceptualizes our .
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic â by Cabezas, Amalia L.
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ Request PDF / On Oct 1, 2011, Walter E. Little published Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic - by Cabezas, Amalia L. / Find, read and cite all the research you .
Book Review: Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba ~ Book Review: Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic and The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade Vidyamali Samarasinghe Gender & Society 2011 25 : 5 , 671-674
Economies of desire : sex and tourism in Cuba and the ~ Based on ten years of research, "Economies of Desire" is the first ethnographic study to examine the erotic underpinnings of transnational tourism. It offers startling insights into the commingling of sex, intimacy, and market forces in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, two nations where tourism has had widespread effects. In her multi-layered .
Amalia L. Cabezas, Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in ~ Amalia L. Cabezas, Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic (Philadelphia PA: Temple University Press, 2009), pp. xii+218, $24.95, pb.
Economies of Desire : Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Economies of Desire : Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic by Amalia L. Cabezas (2009, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. Society . If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. Members of _ can log in with their society credentials below. Username (required) Password (required) Society (required) Access to society journal content varies across our titles. If you have access to a journal via a society or .
Female Sex Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms? - Jacqueline ~ Cabezas, A. (2004) âBetween love and money: sex, tourism and citizenship in Cuba and the Dominican Republicâ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4: 987 â 1015. Google Scholar / Crossref
Between Love and Money: Sex, Tourism, and Citizenship in ~ Lauren N Duffy, Garrett Stone, H Charles Chancellor, Carol S Kline Tourism development in the Dominican Republic: An examination of the economic impact to coastal households, Tourism and Hospitality Research 16, no.1 1 (Oct 2015): 35â49.
The 8 Best Sex Resorts and Hotels for a Truly Orgasmic ~ The best sex resorts and hotels in the world include Hedonism II, Desire Riviera Maya Resort, Temptation Cancun Resort, Island House, and more.
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the ~ "Economies of Desire" is about sex tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The first chapter is about the tourism industry, which is based on "all inclusive resorts" in which tourists pay in advance for airfare, hotels, meals, drinks, entertainment, etc. These resorts are foreign-owned and employ foreign managers. Locals are hired at low .
Busting Sex Tourists in Dominican Republic ~ At least 39 visitors to the Dominican Republic have been denied entry by immigration officials since late 2013 because they have child sex tourism and other sex crime convictions, according to the .
The Industrial Vagina - Wikipedia ~ Samarasinghe, Vidyamali (2011). "Book Review: Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic and The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade". Gender & Society. 25 (5). CS1 maint: ref=harv â via EBSCO's Academic Search Complete (subscription required) Smith, Nicola J. (2011). "The .
Dateline report: Rise in underage sex tourism in Dominican ~ While prostitution is legal in the Dominican Republic â itâs said to have one of the highest prostitution rates in the world, per capita of the population â sex under the age of 18 is not.
Prostitution in Cuba - Wikipedia ~ Prostitution in Cuba is not officially illegal, however, there is legislation against pimps, sexual exploitation of minors and pornography. Sex tourism has existed in the country, both before and after the 1959 Cuban Revolution.Many Cubans do not consider the practice immoral. In Cuban slang, female prostitutes are called Jineteras, and gay male prostitutes are called Jineteros or Pingueros.
female sex tourism: a contradiction in terms? / SpringerLink ~ This paper argues that the âdouble-standardâ applied to male and female touristsâ sexual behaviour reflects and reproduces weaknesses in existing theoretical and commonsense understandings of gendered power, sexual exploitation, prostitution and sex tourism. It looks at how essentialist constructions of gender and heterosexuality blur understandings of sexual exploitation and victimhood .
Tourism Statistics - OECD ~ Data / research on tourism & hotels inc. Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, Food & Tourism Experience, climate change & tourism, Tourism Satellite Account, int. recommendations for tourism statistics, Tourism statistics represent a useful tool to support decision-making in business and in the private sector.
: Caribbean Pleasure Industry: Tourism ~ Most studies of sex tourism focus on female sex workers with foreign male clients. Even some studies look at men involved in sex work with foreign women. This book tries to fill in a gap by discussing Dominican men who sell sex to foreign male tourists. This book tries to break a rigid hetero/homo dichotomy by showing the many men who engage in hustling but with no desire for other males.
Selling sex: underage victims of sex tourists in the ~ Evil in Paradise: In this Unreported World episode, Krishnan Guru-Murthy is in the Dominican Republic. A Caribbean country famed for its pristine beaches and.
10 sex tourism destinations around the world ~ Here are 10 of the biggest sex tourism destinations around the world: Germany: Prostitution and even street prostitution is wide spread and organised sector in Germany and it is completely legal .
Cuba Travel / Tourism Portal ~ Cuba has gradually opened its borders to the foreign tourism, firstly on the northern cays of the country then in the well-known Varadero resort. Sputnik talked to representatives of hotel groups and private businesses so as to know how the island is going to receive the high season, the largest fluency period of travelers in the Caribbean.
Tourism Statistics / World Tourism Organization ~ Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually. Please find the detailed list of the countries updated here (September .
Dominican Republic Shares Record-Breaking Tourism Numbers ~ Dominican Republic announced a 6.2 percent increase in 2018 for overall tourism to the country, welcoming a total of 6.5 million tourists. This growth exceeds the world average growth of 6 percent .
Tourismus in Kuba â Wikipedia ~ Der Beginn des Massentourismus in Kuba wurde durch die Prohibition in den Vereinigten Staaten ausgelöst. Kuba wurde ein beliebtes Reiseziel der US-Amerikaner, da es nah an Florida lag und es keinen BeschrĂ€nkungen des GlĂŒcksspiel und Alkoholverbot wie in den USA unterlag. Havanna bot mit Nachtclubs und Spielsalons ein Angebot wie spĂ€ter Las Vegas.