Beschreibung Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry. Hailed in hardcover as “compelling&; (Kirkus Reviews) and an “astonishing [and] wrenching story&; (The London Free Press), Bitter Chocolate is an eye-opening look at one of our most beloved consumer products. Tracing the fascinating origins and evolution of chocolate from the banquet tables of Montezuma&;s Aztec court in the early sixteenth century to the bustling factories of Hershey, Cadbury, and Mars today, investigative journalist Carol Off shows that slavery and injustice have always been key ingredients.The heart of the book takes place in West Africa inside the Ivory Coast&;the world&;s leading producer of cocoa beans&;where profits from the multibillion-dollar chocolate industry fuel bloody civil war and widespread corruption. Faced with pressure from a crushing “cocoa cartel&; demanding more beans for less money, poor farmers have turned to the cheapest labor pool possible: thousands of indentured children who pick the beans but have never themselves known the taste of chocolate.“An astounding eye-opener that takes no prisoners&; (Quill & Quire), Bitter Chocolate is an absorbing social history, a passionate investigative account, and a shocking and urgent exposé of an industry that continues even now to institutionalize misery as it indulges our whims.
: Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry eBook ~ Praise for Bitter Chocolate: "Bitter Chocolate is less a book about chocolate than it is a study of racism, imperialism and oppression as told through the lens of a single commodity." —The Globe and Mail "An astounding eye-opener that takes no prisoners in its account of an industry built on an image of sweetness and innocence, but which hides a dark and often cruel reality.
Bitter chocolate : anatomy of an industry (eBook, 2014 ~ Get this from a library! Bitter chocolate : anatomy of an industry. [Carol Off] -- Hailed in hardcover as?compelling" (Kirkus Reviews) and an?astonishing [and] wrenching story" (The London Free Press), Bitter Chocolate is an eye-opening look at one of our most beloved consumer .
: Customer reviews: Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of ~ "Bitter Chocolate" is a thought provoking work, one that attempts to provide a balanced view of the darker side of the chocolate industry. It is highly recommended as an entry book on the subject. 4 people found this helpful . Helpful. 0 Comment Report abuse. wayne roberts. 4.0 out of 5 stars Great investigative reporting on the dark side of chocolate, but comes up short on alternatives .
Bitter Chocolate eBook by Carol Off - 9781595589842 ~ Bitter Chocolate is both an absorbing social history and a passionate investigation into an industry that has institutionalized abuse as it indulges our whims. Award-winning journalist Carol Off traces the fascinating evolution of chocolate from the sixteenth century banquet table of Montezuma’s Aztec court to the bustling factories of Hershey, Cadbury, and Mars. In what will be a shocking .
Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry: ~ Praise for Bitter Chocolate: "Bitter Chocolate is less a book about chocolate than it is a study of racism, imperialism and oppression as told through the lens of a single commodity." —The Globe and Mail "An astounding eye-opener that takes no prisoners in its account of an industry built on an image of sweetness and innocence, but which hides a dark and often cruel reality.
Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry: Off, Carol ~ Praise for Bitter Chocolate: "Bitter Chocolate is less a book about chocolate than it is a study of racism, imperialism and oppression as told through the lens of a single commodity." —The Globe and Mail "An astounding eye-opener that takes no prisoners in its account of an industry built on an image of sweetness and innocence, but which hides a dark and often cruel reality.
Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry by Carol Off ~ Bitter Chocolate is both an absorbing social history and a passionate investigation into an industry that has institutionalized abuse as it indulges our whims. Award-winning journalist Carol Off traces the fascinating evolution of chocolate from the sixteenth century banquet table of Montezuma’s Aztec court to the bustling factories of Hershey, Cadbury, and Mars. In what will be a shocking .
Bitter Chocolate Anatomy Of An Industry PDF ~ bitter chocolate anatomy of an industry pdf Favorite eBook Reading Bitter Chocolate Anatomy Of An Industry TEXT #1 : Introduction Bitter Chocolate Anatomy Of An Industry By David Baldacci - Jun 22, 2020 ~ Best Book Bitter Chocolate Anatomy Of An Industry ~, praise for bitter chocolate bitter chocolate is less a book about chocolate than it is a study of racism imperialism and oppression as .
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Bittersüße Schokolade – Wikipedia ~ Bittersüße Schokolade ist der erste Roman der mexikanischen Schriftstellerin Laura Esquivel, erstmals erschienen 1989 unter dem spanischen Originaltitel Como agua para chocolate.. Die Geschichte ist im Mexiko des Jahres 1910 angesiedelt. Sie handelt von Titas Leben und ihrer unglücklichen Liebe zu Pedro; nach dem Willen ihrer traditionsbewussten Mutter darf Tita als Letztgeborene der .
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Bittersüße Schokolade (Film) – Wikipedia ~ Bittersüße Schokolade (Originaltitel: Como agua para chocolate) ist ein Filmdrama des mexikanischen Regisseurs Alfonso Arau.Er basierte auf dem erfolgreichen Roman Bittersüße Schokolade der mexikanischen Autorin Laura Esquivel, die auch das Drehbuch für die Verfilmung schrieb.Der Film erzählt die Liebesgeschichte von Tita und Pedro, die sich nicht verheiraten dürfen, weil Tita der .
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