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    Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities

    Beschreibung Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities. This is a must-read for anyone trained in traditional processimprovement or business architecture. In surprisingly clearlanguage this book lays out the essentials of service thinking,and how the service paradigm transforms the way in whichorganizations innovate on behalf of their customers. It shiftsthe focus from product to experience, from one-sided productionto co-creation of value, from the simply measurable tothe emotional. I intend to buy a copy for every member of myteam—Dart Lindsley, Cisco Sr. Manager of TransformationPlanning and AnalysisThis book will introduce you to Service Science, Managementand Engineering (SSME)—a term introduced by IBMto describe service science, which is the application of science,management, and engineering disciplines to tasksthat one organization beneficially performs for and withanother. The authors detail the disciplines, principles, insightsand tools of SSME that are now ready to transitionto the mainstream business world with transformativeeffect. They coin the new term “Service Thinking” to communicatethis mainstream business transformation.It includes expository case histories of the servicethinking-based transformation of familiar businesses, illustratingthe seven principles of service thinking, withcompelling examples and clear direction for application.

    Buch Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities PDF ePub

    Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover ~ Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities - Kindle edition by Hastings, Hunter, Saperstein, Jeff. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities.

    Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover ~ Sufficient to say here that it brings new thinking and new definitions to service as a word we have found devalued in recent times and causes new strategic thinking about life in an age of dramatic change and where in the West dependence on Service Industries of Nations runs at 80% of GDP or more. An astonishing 93% is reported by the authors in Hong Kong. If you want to explore in detail how .

    Service thinking : the seven principles to discover ~ Get this from a library! Service thinking : the seven principles to discover innovative opportunities. [Hunter Hastings; Jeff Saperstein] -- Business paradigm shifts are rare. However, the shift to a service-dominant economy and to service-dominant value creation genuinely merits such a designation, both on the surface through the lens of .

    : Customer reviews: Service Thinking: The Seven ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

    Service Thinking: The Seven Principles to Discover ~ They coin the new term "Service Thinking" to communicate this mainstream business transformation. It includes expository case histories of the service thinking-based transformation of familiar businesses, illustrating the seven principles of service thinking, with compelling examples and clear direction for application.

    Service Thinking The Seven Principles to Discover ~ Service Thinking The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities. 174 Service Thinking The Seven Principles to Discover Innovative Opportunities tonin 31.10.2020 no Comments .

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