Beschreibung Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle. In Marx at the Arcade, acclaimed researcher Jamie Woodcock delves into the hidden abode of the gaming industry. In an account that will appeal to hardcore gamers, digital skeptics, and the joystick-curious, Woodcock unravels the vast networks of artists, software developers, and factory and logistics workers whose seen and unseen labor flows into the products we consume on a gargantuan scale. Along the way, he analyzes the increasingly important role the gaming industry plays in contemporary capitalism and the broader transformations of work and the economy that it embodies.
Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class ~ Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle (English Edition) eBook: Woodcock, Jamie: : Kindle-Shop Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung .
Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class ~ Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle: : Jamie Woodcock: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle ~ In Marx at the Arcade, acclaimed researcher Jamie Woodcock delves into the hidden abode of the gaming industry. In an account that will appeal to hardcore gamers, digital skeptics, and the joystick-curious, Woodcock unravels the vast networks of artists, software developers, and factory and logistics workers whose seen and unseen labor flows into the products we consume on
Marx at the Arcade - Haymarket Books ~ Consoles, Controllers, and Class Struggle. by Jamie Woodcock. Paperback, 208 pages. ISBN: 9781608468669. June 2019. $18.00 $12.60 30% off. With free bundled ebook. Ebook. ISBN: 9781608468676. Read on any device. July 2019. $9.99 $1.00 90% off. Hardback, 208 pages. ISBN: 9781642590142. July 2019. $50.00 $40.00 20% off. With free bundled ebook . This pathbreaking book offers a radical analysis .
Marx at the Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, and Class ~ "Marx at the Arcade is an important, brilliant and timely read that reveals the oft-ignored lives of overworked and exploited game workers, as well as the rise of the global Game Workers Unite movement that is fighting for change. Placing games within the context of a wider cultural and political struggle, Woodcock makes a compelling case for combating the toxic and reactionary elements of .
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Marx At The Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, And Class Struggle ~ Marx At The Arcade: Consoles, Controllers, And Class Struggle by Jamie Woodcock / 2019 / English / PDF. Read Online 7.9 MB Download. In Marx at the Arcade, acclaimed researcher Jamie Woodcock delves into the hidden abode of the gaming industry. In an account that will appeal to hardcore gamers, digital skeptics, and the joystick-curious, Woodcock unravels the vast networks of artists, software .
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