Beschreibung Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World. Nice women never wore makeup. Even the word was taboo in polite society—until Max Factor entered the scene. Born in Poland in 1877, Factor worked as a beautician for the Russian royal family, the Romanovs. In 1904, he fled to America, where he opened a cosmetics store in Los Angeles. Creating makeup originally for silent films, then the talkies, and, ultimately, color motion pictures, Factor designed looks for Katharine Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, Bette Davis, and countless other beauties of the day. Soon women everywhere wanted to look like their favorite glamorous stars, and Factor was there to help, bringing his innovative cosmetics to the general public. He revolutionized the world of beauty by producing many firsts: false eyelashes, lip gloss, foundation, eye shadow, the eyebrow pencil, concealer, wand-applicator mascara, and water-resistant makeup. A true innovator, he also introduced the concept of color harmony and the celebrity-endorsed cosmetics advertising that forms the glamorous backbone of the modern industry. Max Factor was the father of modern makeup. This is his extraordinary story.
Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World ~ Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World [Basten, Fred E.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World
Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World ~ Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World - Kindle edition by Basten, Fred E.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World.
Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World ~ Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World Audible Audiobook â Unabridged Fred E. Basten (Author), Samantha Worthen (Narrator), Audible Studios (Publisher) & 0 more 4.5 out of 5 stars 27 ratings
Max Factor : the man who changed the faces of the world ~ Get this from a library! Max Factor : the man who changed the faces of the world. [Fred E Basten] -- Traces the life and influence of the cosmetics innovator, his work for the Russian royal family, role in developing the images of leading Hollywood stars, and contributions to the establishment of .
Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World by ~ Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World by. Fred E. Basten. 3.90 · Rating details · 191 ratings · 31 reviews Nice women never wore makeup. Even the word was taboo in polite society - until Max Factor entered the scene. Born in Poland in 1877, Factor worked as a beautician for the Russian royal family, the Romanovs, then for the stars of early Hollywood, revolutionising the .
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