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    Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian

    Beschreibung Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian. This entertaining and sharply written guide—for both beginners breaking into comedy and professionals seeking to improve their sets and advance their careers—examines the work of great comedians such as Louis C.K., Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Izzard, Moms Mabley, Hannibal Buress, Sarah Silverman, Richard Pryor, and more as a means of illustrating the most important techniques of performing and writing stand-up.Here, Stephen Rosenfield lays out a clear plan for achieving success, candidly explaining what works, what doesn’t, and why. Including a 12-item “Successful Comedian’s To-Do List,” Rosenfield states, “Get undeniably good at each of these and you can kiss your day job good-bye. You will be a pro.”The New York Times heralded Stephen Rosenfield as “probably the best known comedy teacher in the country.” His alumni include some of today’s most prominent comedians and comedy writers, such as Lena Dunham, Jim Gaffigan, Eric Slovin, and Jessica Kirson. Rosenfield has directed, coached, and/or written for these and hundreds of other comedians. As a pioneer in the field of teaching comedy, he founded the American Comedy Institute, the premier stand-up comedy school in the United States, in 1989.

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    Mastering Stand-Up - Rosenfield, Stephen - : BĂŒcher ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Succ . Including a 12-item “Successful Comedian’s To-Do List,” Rosenfield states, “Get undeniably good at each of these and you can kiss your day job good-bye. You will be a pro.” The New York Times heralded Stephen Rosenfield as “probably the best known comedy teacher in the country.” His alumni include some of today’s .

    Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian - Kindle edition by Rosenfield, Stephen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian.

    Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian (Audio Download): Stephen Rosenfield, Stephen Rosenfield, Tantor Audio: .au: Audible

    Mastering Stand Up The Complete Guide To Becoming A ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian - Kindle edition by Stephen Rosenfield. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian.

    Mastering Stand Up The Complete Guide To Becoming A ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian - Kindle edition by Stephen Rosenfield. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

    Mastering Stand-Up: Rosenfield, Stephen: 9781613736920 ~ As a motivational speaker looking to add some humorous nuances to my speaking and presentations, "Mastering Stand-Up" is a great resource. If you want to learn the nuts and bolts of stand-up comedy, the different genres, set-up/punchline delivery, and everything in between, this book is a must-read. Author Stephen Rosenfield is the founder and .

    Mastering Stand-Up Stephen Rosenfield American Comedy ~ My book, Mastering Stand-Up will guide you through the process of becoming an undeniably funny and successful comedian. It is a journey that begins with your sense of humor and then takes you on a tour of the stand-up performed by the giants of stand-up comedy. By deconstructing how they do what they do, I will pass along to you the inner workings of their comedy and open up to you new .

    Learning laughter: an expert's guide on how to master ~ Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian is available on 1 November This article contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if a reader .

    Breaking Into Stand-Up: 10 Tips for Beginner Comedians ~ No amount of helpful tips or discussion can take the place of experience, and that's pretty much all that counts when it comes to stand-up. It's a true "learn-by-doing" art form, and you won't know what works (and what doesn't) until you've gotten on stage in front of an audience. The more chances you have to perform, the more you'll be able to learn. Many comedians perform multiple times a .

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    Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a ~ There are chapters on the forms of stand-up comedy, writing material, performing, dealing with nerves, creating a stand-up persona, getting “undeniably good”, dealing with fear and doubts, the importance of hard and consistent work, and the business of stand-up—all with a very personal voice. There is also insightful analysis of the work of actual comedians, including how some of the .

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    Stand up Comedy: The Book: : Carter, Judy ~ It also guides you through the steps of deciding to do stand up, putting an act together, getting on stage and a count down from 2 hours before performing. Also talks through different styles eg political and characters and looks at the emotional side of doing comedy, again something that will never date.

    The Comedy Bible: From Stand-up to Sitcom - The Comedy ~ The guru to aspiring stand-up comics provides the complete scoop on being--and writing--funny for money. If you've got a sense of humor, you can learn to make a career out of comedy, says Judy Carter. Whether it's creating a killer stand-up act, writing a spec sitcom, or providing jokes for radio or one-liners for greeting cards, Carter provides step-by-step instructions in The Comedy Bible .

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