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    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles

    Beschreibung Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles. Deanna Fei was just five-and-a-half months pregnant when she inexplicably went into labor. Minutes later, she met her tiny baby who clung to life support inside a glass box. Fei was forced to confront terrifying issues: How to be the mother of a child she could lose at any moment. Whether her daughter would survive another day--and whether she should. But as she watched her daughter fight for her life, Fei discovered the power of the mother-child bond at its most elemental.A year after she brought her daughter home from the hospital, the CEO of AOL--her husband's employer--set off a national firestorm about the children he had called "distressed babies." By blaming the beautiful, miraculously healthy little girl for a cut in employee benefits, he attached a price tag to her life.Girl in Glass is the riveting story of one child's harrowing journey and a powerful distillation of parenthood. With incandescent prose and an unflinching eye, Fei explores the value of a human life: from the spreadsheets wielded by cost-cutting executives to the insidious notions of risk surrounding modern pregnancy; from the wondrous history of medical innovation in the care of premature infants to contemporary analyses of what their lives are worth; and finally, to the depths of her own struggle to make sense of her daughter's arrival in the world. Above all, Girl in Glass is a luminous testament to how love takes hold when a birth defies our fundamental beliefs about how life is supposed to begin.

    Buch Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles PDF ePub

    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds ~ Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles / Fei, Deanna / ISBN: 9781620409916 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds ~ Girl in Glass: How My Distressed Baby Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles [Fei, Deanna] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Girl in Glass: How My Distressed Baby Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak

    Girl in Glass : How My "Distressed Baby" Defied ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Girl in Glass : How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles by Deanna Fei (2016, Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds ~ Girl in Glass (Hardcover) How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles. By Deanna Fei. Bloomsbury USA, 9781620409916, 320pp. Publication Date: July 14, 2015. Other Editions of This Title: Paperback (5/24/2016)

    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds ~ Start your review of Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles Write a review Jul 09, 2015 Marieke rated it it was amazing

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    Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds ~ Girl in Glass: How My "Distressed Baby" Defied the Odds, Shamed a CEO, and Taught Me the Essence of Love, Heartbreak, and Miracles 320. by Deanna Fei / Editorial Reviews. Hardcover $ 26.00. Hardcover. $26.00. NOOK Book. $13.99. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to .

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