Beschreibung Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines. An inside view of China's quest to become a global wine power and Bordeaux attempt to master the thirsty dragon it helped create. The wine merchants of Bordeaux and the rising entrepreneurs of China would seem to have little in common old world versus new, tradition versus disruption, loyalty versus efficiency. And these two communities have found their destinies intertwined in the conquest of new markets, as Suzanne Mustacich shows in the proactive account of how China is reshaping the French Wine business and how Bordeaux in making its mark on China. Thirsty Dragon lays bare the untold story of how an influx of Chinese money rescued France's most venerable wine region from economic collapse, and how the result was a series of misunderstandings and crises that threatened the delicate infrastructure of Bordeaux insular wine trade. The Bordelais and the Chinese do business according to different and often incompatible sets of rules, and Mustacich uncovers the competing agendas and little-known actors who are transforming the economics and culture of Bordeaux, even as its wines are finding new markets and ever higher prices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, with Hong Kong and London traders playing a pivotal role. At once a tale of business skullduggery and fierce cultural clashes, adventure, and ambition, Thirsty Dragon offers a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges to the world's most famous and prestigious wines.
Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat ~ Thirsty Dragon lays bare the untold story of how an influx of Chinese money rescued France's most venerable wine region from economic collapse, and how the result was a series of misunderstandings and crises that threatened the delicate infrastructure of Bordeaux's insular wine trade. The Bordelais and the Chinese do business according to different and often incompatible sets of rules, and .
Download eBook « Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux ~ Download PDF THIRSTY DRAGON: CHINA S LUST FOR BORDEAUX AND THE THREAT TO THE WORLD S BEST WINES (HARDBACK) Read PDF Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World s Best Wines (Hardback) Authored by Suzanne Mustacich Released at 2016 Filesize: 5.53 MB To open the document, you will need Adobe Reader software program. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on .
Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat ~ Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines - Kindle edition by Mustacich, Suzanne. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines.
Download Book ^ Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux ~ THE THREAT TO THE WORLD S BEST WINES (HARDBACK) Read PDF Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World s Best Wines (Hardback) Authored by Suzanne Mustacich Released at 2016 Filesize: 2.75 MB To open the file, you will need Adobe Reader application. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, you can download the installer and instructions free .
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Download PDF « Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux ~ Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World s Best Wines (Hardback) book. » Download Thirsty Dragon: China s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World s Best Wines (Hardback) PDF « Our online web service was introduced by using a aspire to function as a full on the internet electronic catalogue that offers usage of great
China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Wines ~ That’s the story my guest Suzanne Mustacich tells in Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines. It’s the story of China's quest to become a global wine power, France's Bordeaux region seeking to hang on to past glory and China expanding its tentacles into places like the Napa Valley.
Thirsty Dragon by Suzanne Mustacich / Waterstones ~ Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines (Hardback) Suzanne Mustacich (author) Sign in to write a review. £22.99. Hardback 337 Pages / Published: 12/01/2016 Temporarily unavailable; Currently unavailable to order Email me when available. Stay one step ahead and let us notify you when this item is next available to order. Notify me × Email me when .
Review: Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the ~ Review: Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines, by Suzanne Mustacich Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines . Suzanne Mustacich. New York: Henry Holt, 2015. 337 pp. $32.00 (cloth) Jean DeBernardi. Jean DeBernardi University of Alberta. Search for other works by this author on: This Site. PubMed. Google .
ASIA’S EMERGENCE IN GLOBAL BEVERAGE - World Scientific ~ Mustacich, S [2015] Thirsty Dragon: China’s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World’s Best Wines. New York: Henry Bolt and Co. Google Scholar; OIV (2019). 2019 Statistical Report of World Vitiviniculture. Paris: Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin. Google Scholar; Phillips, R [2014] Alcohol: A History. Chapel Hill, NC .
The Five Best Wine Books for Beginners - WSJ ~ Thirsty Dragon: China’s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World’s Best Wines (Henry Holt), $32 This page-turner takes on widely criticized Chinese business practices and profit-focused .
Asia and Other Emerging Regions (Chapter 17) - Wine ~ Mustacich, S. (2015), Thirsty Dragon: China ’s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World’s Best Wines, New York: Henry Bolt and Co. OIV (2015), Le Vignoble Mondial, Paris: Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin, May. Sterckx, R. (2015), ‘ Alcohol and Historiography in Early China ’, Global Food History 1 (1): 13 – 32. Wine Australia (2016), Export Market Guide: China .
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ADOBE ROAD WINERY ~ Suzanne Mustacich is the author of the book Thirsty Dragon: China’s Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World’s Best Wines. Listen to this episode in iTunes . Find this episode in Stitcher. Download this episode directly as an .m4a file. This episode was made possible by SevenFifty, the easiest way to search for wholesale wine & spirits in many states, probably including yours. If .
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Making Empanadas with Mom / Good Food / KCRW ~ China's Thirst for Bordeaux. Suzanne Mustacich is a contributing editor at Wine Spectator . Her new book, Thirsty Dragon: China's Lust for Bordeaux and the Threat to the World's Best Wines , uncorks. 11 min. Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning) Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University .
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