Beschreibung The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman Historical Perspective (Library of Flight). Tells the behind-the-scenes story of the designers and engineers who conceived and built Grumman aircraft from the founding of the company in 1929 until its 1994 acquisition by Northrop. This book also identifies key team members who contributed to the creation and development of each new design.
The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman Historical Perspective ~ The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman Historical Perspective tells the behind-the-scenes story of the designers and engineers who conceived and built Grumman aircraft from the founding of the company in 1929 until its 1994 acquisition by Northrop. While Grumman aircraft have been previously documented, The Aircraft Designers focuses instead on the people, disciplines, processes, and anecdotes .
The aircraft designers [electronic resource] : a Grumman ~ The early years -- The war years -- Postwar years : first jets -- The dynamic 1950s and 1960s, and the Gulfstream legacy -- Lineage of airborne early warning systems -- The F-111B and the lineage of the F-14 -- Future systems -- Lineage of battlefield surveillance : RGWs, Pave Mover, and Joint Stars -- Lineage of electronic warfare -- Grumman in perspective -- Appendix: Aircraft designers and .
9781624101779: The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman ~ The Aircraft Designers: A Grumman Historical Perspective tells the behind-the-scenes story of the designers and engineers who conceived and built Grumman aircraft from the founding of the company in 1929 until its 1994 acquisition by Northrop. While Grumman aircraft have been previously documented, The Aircraft Designers focuses instead on the people, disciplines, processes, and anecdotes .
Library of Flight / AIAA Aerospace Research Central ~ The Library of Flight series encompasses a wide variety of general-interest and reference books, including case studies. Appropriate subjects include the history and economics of aerospace as well as design, development, and management of aircraft and space programs. Click here for more book series information. Published Titles
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Lawrence R. Benson ~ Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) and a diverse team of Government and industry partners who proved that aircraft can be designed to significantly lower the strength of sonic booms. My research into primary sources benefited immeasurably from the help given to me during visits to the Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC), Edwards, CA, in December 2008 and April 2011 and additional telephone .
Our Heritage - Northrop Grumman ~ Our organization’s history goes well beyond the companies founded by Jack Northrop and Leroy Grumman. Today’s Northrop Grumman is a result of the integration of over 20 pioneering companies from across the aerospace, technology and defense industries, each with their own unique history of Defining Possible.
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