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    The Curious Person's Guide to Fighting Fake News

    Beschreibung The Curious Person's Guide to Fighting Fake News. With each passing day the potential reach of a single false news story&;and its ability to negatively impact all of us&;grows in both size and scope. Although politicians, activists, and ordinary citizens regularly complain about deceptive or biased news reports, they tend to define fake news as anything with which they happen to disagree, thus compounding the problem even further. Seeking to bring some much-needed clarity to the subject, journalist David G. McAfee documents the myriad definitions of &;fake news&; and its various incarnations throughout history, from ideologically motivated disinformation operations to commercially motivated misinformation campaigns. Demonstrating that we are all culpable in the creation of the current pandemic, he presents a number of practical and actionable suggestions for combating it. In the end, however, he argues that each of us, no matter our political bent, have an important role to play in curbing the insidious spread and most dangerous effects of fake news.

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    IFLA -- How To Spot Fake News ~ IFLA has made this infographic with eight simple steps (based on FactCheck’s 2016 article How to Spot Fake News) to discover the verifiability of a given news-piece in front of you. Download, print, translate, and share – at home, at your library, in your local community, and on social media networks.

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    Critical Thinking and Fake News / SkillsYouNeed ~ In less critical cases, fake news reports can result in distress or reputational damage for the people or organisations mentioned in the articles. It is, therefore, important to be alert to the potential for reports to be fake, and to ensure that you are not party to their spread. Spotting fake news. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to spot false news. Sometimes, a story may be obviously .

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