Beschreibung Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned. People think that joining a startup is a surefire way to get rich. The odds are against you, but it does happen.Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned is about the hits and the misses. It’s about how people handle life in the start-up world. It includes true accounts from inside Inktomi, AOL, Truveo, and a handful of other Silicon Valley startups. As a tenured member of start-up culture, Beguelin helps readers explore the world of startups. He breaks down the ins and outs of how that world works. In this book, Adam helps readers find the answers to:*What’s it really like to work at a startup?* How do you get a startup off the ground? * How do you find funding for your startup? * What do people do after making (or losing) millions in the startup game? Being an entrepreneur is about creativity and this book takes you through how that plays out from launching a startup through retirement. Readers can learn from Adam’s failures and successes with a guide that will help you not only create a business, but create a life you love.
Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories ~ Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned / Beguelin PhD, Adam / ISBN: 9781641374415 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories ~ Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned (English Edition) eBook: Beguelin, Adam: : Kindle-Shop
Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories ~ Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned: Beguelin, Adam: .nl Selecteer uw cookievoorkeuren We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare tools om uw winkelervaring te verbeteren, onze services aan te bieden, te begrijpen hoe klanten onze services gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen, en om advertenties weer te geven.
Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories ~ Silicon Valley Stories: A sampler of startups, stories, and lessons learned eBook: Beguelin, Adam: : Kindle Store
Startup Stories: Lessons Learned from a Startup's Launch ~ In Startup Stories, serial entrepreneur Jordan Raynor gives an honest look at what it takes to launch a company, grind through startup life, and grow a business from the ground up. Using stories from his most recent endeavor (Citizinvestor – the largest crowdfunding platform for government projects in the U.S., currently valued at $3,500,000), Jordan shares a series of lessons that are .
Silicon Valley Innovation Center / Growth Through Innovation ~ We offer a full range of services to connect global corporations to Silicon Valley, from educational programs to startup scouting, technology research and much more. We are fully online and remote-ready, meaning there is no need to travel to Silicon Valley because we can bring the best of the Valley to you. Silicon Valley Immersion. Experience innovation: company meetings, expert talks and .
10 Wildly Successful Startups and Lessons to Learn From ~ Know How 10 Wildly Successful Startups and Lessons to Learn From Them Building a sustainable business takes more than a good idea. Here's what you can learn from startups that are making it big.
7 Successful Entrepreneur Stories to Inspire You ~ No list of startup inspiration stories would be complete without the inclusion of Richard Branson, who has seemingly (and successfully) tried his hand at every possible line of investment across the last 40 years - not bad for a man who performed poorly at school, was diagnosed with dyslexia and then bestowed the unfortunate title of Virgin on his first enterprise (supposedly due to his then .
11 Entrepreneurs Stories - Inspiring People That Found ~ Successful startup founders are often hailed as superhuman, but the reality is they’re regular people like you and I. Well, maybe not exactly like you and I…. Given the unusual lifestyle of an entrepreneur, and that so many are fueled by the promise of wild riches, it comes as no surprise that many startup founders share inspiring stories about overcoming adversity.
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: From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley: A Story of ~ From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley: A Story of Hard Work, Serendipity, and Questing - Kindle edition by Gillett, Stephen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading From Simi Valley to Silicon Valley: A Story of Hard Work, Serendipity, and Questing.
The Startup Way by Eric Ries: 9781101903209 ~ Filled with in-the-field stories, insights, and tools, The Startup Way is an essential road map for any organization . Eric Ries is an entrepreneur and author of the popular blog Startup Lessons Learned. He cofounded and served as CTO of IMVU, his third startup, and has had plenty of startup failures along the way. He is a frequent speaker at business events, has advised… More about Eric .
The Art of Product Management: Lessons from a Silicon ~ ' The Art of Product Management: Lessons from a Silicon Valley Innovator ' is an impressive collection of stories, vignettes, and personal experiences about the job, vision, and ultimate goals of being a Product Manager. The author has a number of pieces written over the course of over a decade, and loosely assembled them into a topic-oriented structure. While this may seem haphazard and not .
: Mozart in the Garden: Silicon Valley and Me ~ A stunning story-within-a-story recounts the life and times of Faye Wolfe, the last first-person account of a survivor of the Galveston hurricane in 1900, the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, and her connection to the Spanish-style architecture of the region and the sordid history of Silicon Valley—long before it was ever Silicon Valley—as told to an eleven-year-old boy in this, his .
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by ~ Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup - Ebook written by John Carreyrou. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup.
Startup 2.0: a Silicon Valley Story - SlideShare ~ Startup 2.0: a Silicon Valley Story Startup 2.0: A Silicon Valley Story Engineering Better Startups with Incubators, Metrics & Iterative Development Dave McClure ( @DaveMcClure ) Founders Fund / 500 Hats Echelon May 2010 (Singapore)
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Silicon Valley - Wikipedia ~ Silicon Valley was born through the intersection of several contributing factors including a skilled science research base housed in area universities, plentiful venture capital, and steady U.S. Department of Defense spending. Stanford University leadership was especially important in the valley's early development. Together these elements formed the basis of its growth and success.
Reflection: 10 Lessons Learned in 22 Years of Successful ~ Planning, Startups, Stories Tim Berry on business planning, starting and growing your business, and having a life in the meantime. Reflection: 10 Lessons Learned in 22 Years of Successful Bootstrapping (I posted this about two years ago on Small Business Trends. I’m reposting it here today because this is a good time of year for this kind of reflection. And maybe also for not writing a new .
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup ~ This is a moral story comprising the ugly greed laden face of Silicon Valley and its founders, the army of ruthless lawyers squashing people along the way (they tried to silence the author of this book), the cult-ish abandonment of common sense and judgement of who's who of Silicon Valley and Corporate America as they pursue the next big thing. Nevermind that actual people's health and well .
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