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    False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care (Encounter Broadsides, Band 55)

    Beschreibung False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care (Encounter Broadsides, Band 55). A government takeover of the US health care system has never looked more plausible. Support for the idea is at an all-time high. Two-thirds of Democratic voters favor single-payer health care; even one in four Republicans is on board.In this Broadside, Sally C. Pipes makes the case against single-payer by offering evidence of its devastating effects on patients in Canada, the United Kingdom, and even the United States. Long wait times, substandard care, lack of access to innovative treatments, huge public outlays, and spiraling costs are endemic to single-payer.Those are hardly outcomes we should consider foisting upon the American health care system.

    Buch False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care (Encounter Broadsides, Band 55) PDF ePub

    The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care - Encounter ~ The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care. By Sally C. Pipes. A government takeover of the US healthcare system has never looked more plausible. Support for the idea is at an all-time high. Two-thirds of Democratic voters favor “single-payer” health care; even one in four Republicans is on board. In this Broadside, Sally C. Pipes makes the case against the single-payer system by .

    The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care (Encounter ~ Leftists claim that single-payer health care would grant every American affordable access to quality health care, but those who are not deceived by such Panglossian claims recognize that single-payer leads to nothing but uncontrollable costs, rationing, shortages, limited resources, and unacceptable wait times. Sally Pipes debunks these unworkable systems in "The False Promise of Single-Payer .

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