Beschreibung Restaurant Prosperity Formula(tm): What Successful Restaurateurs Do. Drawing on his decades of experience as a restaurateur, David Scott Peters offers this specific, hands-on guidebook for independent restaurant owners.Focusing on the operational and cultural aspects of running a restaurant, Peters offers a systemthe Restaurant Prosperity Formulathat allows these businesses to not only survive but thrive in one of the worlds most competitive industries. In this book (which the author calls the most comprehensive restaurant owner manual youve ever read), restaurant owners will learn the fundamentals needed to accomplish three goals: simplifying operations, making more money than ever before, and bringing balance back to their lives so they can enjoy the benefits of the first two goals!Davids no-nonsense approach strips down all the excuses and doubts in our heads as operators and then gives you the paint-by-numbers plan to make real change in your restaurant. The systems that are outlined in this book are both relevant and practical on their own, but David takes it a step further by teaching you how to implement them in your business and whom you need on your team to be successful.-Brad Hackert, director of restaurant operations, Flora-BamaFoundation, systems, profitability, accountability, and actionable stepsthis book has it all from a true industry expert!-Darren S. Denington, CFBE, president, Service with StyleThink of this book as your personal, one-of-a-kind treasure map with a clearly marked path and a big X where the gold is. Bring your shovel because youll be doing some digging.-Kamron Karington, founder and CEO, Repeat Returns
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