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    Your Museum Needs a Podcast: A Step-By-Step Guide to Podcasting on a Budget for Museums, History Organizations, and Cultural Nonprofits

    Beschreibung Your Museum Needs a Podcast: A Step-By-Step Guide to Podcasting on a Budget for Museums, History Organizations, and Cultural Nonprofits. Want to start a podcast for your organization, but unsure of where to begin? Looking for new ways to meaningfully engage your audience? Need to convince leadership that a podcast is the right move for your museum, history organization, library, religious institution, or cultural nonprofit?This practical and action-oriented beginner’s guide will show you how to create a great podcast on a budget, from choosing a topic to reaching the right audience.Each chapter is tailored to the needs of cultural nonprofits, giving you a detailed roadmap for producing a podcast that supports your institutional mission. Inside, you’ll find simple, concise advice and instruction that gives you just what you need to get started, without any treatises on sound engineering or editing. All the unnecessary stuff has been left out so you can just read the book, follow the instructions, and get started without breaking the bank or wasting hours wading through incomplete instructions on the internet.In Your Museum Needs a Podcast, award-winning podcaster Hannah Hethmon will teach you how to unlock the power of podcasting at your institution through:A whole chapter on developing a show concept that will accomplish your organization’s goals and pitching it to your stakeholders. A gear guide with just what you need to know to get started and tailored equipment recommendations. Detailed instructions on how to set-up your recording equipment, get great sound quality (without having to learn sound engineering), and edit episodes using free online software.A breakdown of what makes a podcast compelling and how you can use the art of storytelling to create a show that your listeners will love. Strategies for launching your show and building a devoted listener base from day one.Answers to common questions like where to how long episodes should be, where to find free music, which hosting service to use, how to hire outside experts, and more.Free worksheets and templates to help you implement the book’s lessons. Read this book, and you’ll know everything you need to start a podcast for your organization and turn your audience into devoted fans. What are you waiting for? How long will you wait to start engaging your core audience, reaching new audiences who would love your institution, and increasing your online profile? Scroll to the top now and click the Buy Now” Button!

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