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    Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever

    Beschreibung Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever. Becoming a digital nomad with remote work is now more accessible than ever!What if you could travel forever while radically advancing your career?College. Graduation. Work a 9 to 5 job, save up and retire on a pension. This isn’t the correct path for everyone. Nor should it be. Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever is a paperback for your backpack, a step-by-step blueprint to travel the world, build a successful career others wish they had, and build a life that most people only dream of.This comprehensive guide is filled with genuine stories and actionable advice including: Specific shortcuts and tips you need to build a world-class career on the moveSkills for negotiating and obtaining further education, internships and high-paying work overseasBuilding a life you love in any city in the world, and how to make lifelong friends quicklyGlobal Career will challenge you to venture into the exciting unknown. If you have ever fantasized about a more fulfilling international career, this book will empower you to buy a one-way ticket to your dream destination, and further your career in ways you never thought possible!Step-by-step guide to start remote working while you travel around the world as a digital nomad or working from home!Have you ever dreamed of becoming a digital nomad and being able to land a high-paying remote job? If so, Global Career is your blueprint to find remote jobs and jumpstart an international career. Tips on Studying Abroad & International InternshipsHow to Travel For Cheap and Get Free FlightsFinding Remote Jobs No Matter What Experience You HaveBecoming an International Expat & Digital Nomad10+ Years of Travel Experience in One bookWorking From Home in Any Country in the WorldFind A Remote Job Quick and Become an Expert Remote WorkerMike has been working and traveling full-time since 2011 and his journey has taken him to over 85+ countries. In that time, he’s worked in seven countries and is has worked remotely all around the world. In his book, Global Career, Mike pulls back the curtain and shares everything he’s learned from years of trial and error about how to travel long term, working remotely and radically advancing your career.Working remotely or overseas can be a difficult, complicated and overwhelming experience. That's why Mike decided to compile over a decade of international working and travel experience into a practical and informative book. If you are interested in a blueprint guide to traveling long-term, becoming a digital nomad or expanding your international career then Global Career is perfect for you! What the press is saying about Global Career?Forbes.com says: "Keen traveler Michael Swigunski has seen more of the world than most, visiting and working in over 70 countries in the last eight years alone."-Alison Coleman (Forbes.com)Entrepreneur.com Says: "Remote jobs expert, best selling author, and founder of Global Career, Mike Swigunski, explains how to take your remote life to the next level."Lonely Planet Says: "Mike Swigunski is the founder of GlobalCareer.io, an international job board for remote workers. He emphasizes the importance of the quality of his work equipment."What the reviews are saying for Global Career?★★★★★ (More than 90+ Five-Star Reviews, Global Career is the perfect book for anyone interested in Studing Abroad, Becoming a Digital Nomad, Remote Working or Working from home. Now is the time to start traveling the world at your own pace and style!

    Buch Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever PDF ePub

    Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever ~ Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever is an audiobook for your backpack, a step-by-step blueprint to travel the world, build a successful career others wish they had, and build a life that most people only dream of. This comprehensive guide is filled with genuine stories and actionable advice including:

    Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever ~ Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever is a paperback for your backpack, a step-by-step blueprint to travel the world, build a successful career others wish they had, and build a life that most people only dream of. This comprehensive guide is filled with genuine stories and actionable advice including:

    Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever by ~ In that time, he's worked in seven countries and is currently working an online and remote job that allows him to work anywhere in the world from the comfort of his laptop. In his book, Global Career, Mike pulls back the curtain and shares everything he's learned from years of trial and er Mike has been working and traveling full-time since 2011 and his journey has taken him to over 85+ countries.

    Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever ~ Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever draws an inspiring roadmap for anyone considering a remote career abroad. Through years of first-hand experience working and traveling across the world, Mike Swigunski breaks down the essential tips and tricks for everything from visas to meeting and interacting with fellow expats. Most importantly, the book seeks to break down traditional .

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