Beschreibung Medicare Essentials: A Physician Insider Explains the Fine Print. Featured in U.S. News and World Report, the fourth edition of this best-selling Medicare guide is now available. This book shares up-to-date Medicare information with 2019 cost analyses, program changes under the Trump administration, a review of Medicare's latest preventive screening offerings, and a discussion of Medicare's controversial 2-Midnight Rule. Simple worksheets guide you through the Medicare maze to help you on your way. What does Medicare cover?How can you avoid late penalties?Should you choose a Medicare Advantage plan over Original Medicare?Do you need a Medicare Supplement Plan, i.e., Medigap?What will Medicare really cost you?Written by Tanya Feke MD, a board-certified family physician and the Medicare expert for, Medicare Essentials tells you everything you need to know about the program. With experience caring for patients and working with administrators, she has learned tricks that can save you money and improve your healthcare experience. Let Dr. Feke be your advocate and explain the fine print.
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