Beschreibung The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open Notebook. Science journalism has perhaps never been so critical to our world—and the demands on science journalists have never been greater. On any given day, a science journalist might need to explain the details of genetic engineering, analyze a development in climate change research, or serve as a watchdog helping to ensure the integrity of the scientific enterprise. And science writers have to spin tales seductive enough to keep readers hooked to the end, despite the endless other delights just a click away. How does one do it?Here, for the first time, is a collection of indispensable articles on the craft of science writing as told by some of the most skillful science journalists working today. These selections are a wealth of journalistic knowledge from The Open Notebook, the online community that has been a primary resource for science journalists and aspiring science writers for the last decade.The Craft of Science Writing gives you a crew of accomplished, encouraging friends to whisper over your shoulder as you work. In these pages, you'll find interviews with leading journalists offering behind-the-scenes inspiration, as well as in-depth essays on the craft offering practical advice, including:How to make the transition into science writingHow to find and pitch a science story to editorsHow to wade through a sea of technicalities in scientific papers to spot key factsHow to evaluate scientific and statistical claimsHow to report on controversial topicsHow to structure a science story, from short news to long featuresHow to engage readers in a science story and hold their attention to the endCONTRIBUTORS TO THE CRAFT OF SCIENCE WRITING: Christie Aschwanden, Siri Carpenter, Tina Casagrand, Jeanne Erdmann, Dan Fagin, Dan Ferber, Azeen Ghorayshi, Geoffrey Giller, Laura Helmuth, Jane C. Hu, Alla Katsnelson, Roxanne Khamsi, Maggie Koerth-Baker, Jyoti Madhusoodanan, Apoorva Mandavilli, Amanda Mascarelli, Robin Meadows, Kate Morgan, Tien Nguyen, Michelle Nijhuis, Aneri Pattani, Rodrigo Pérez Ortega, Mallory Pickett, Kendall Powell, Tasneem Raja, Sandeep Ravindran, Julia Rosen, Christina Selby, Alexandra Witze, Wudan Yan, Ed Yong, Rachel Zamzow, Sarah Zhang, Carl Zimmer.
The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open ~ The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open Notebook “[The Craft of Science Writing], like TON, embodies the tenet that one learns by practicing the craft in a supportive community where everyone continually strives for greater mastery. This book will be invaluable for undergraduate and graduate students in writing or journalism programs, regardless of their interest in the .
The Craft of Science Writing : Selections from the Open ~ These selections are a wealth of journalistic knowledge from The Open Notebook , the online community that has been a primary resource for science journalists and aspiring science writers for the last decade. The Craft of Science Writing gives you a crew of accomplished, encouraging friends to whisper over your shoulder as you work. In these pages, you'll find interviews with leading .
The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open ~ The Open Notebook is the biggest gift that science journalists, science communicators, and science writers-to-be have. TON is, quite literally, a free website where you can get the equivalent of a master's degree in journalism. For an incredibly reasonable price, this book distills the must-haves from The Open Notebook.
The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open ~ Here, for the first time, is a collection of indispensable articles on the craft of science writing as told by some of the most skillful science journalists working today. These selections are a wealth of journalistic knowledge from The Open Notebook , the online community that has been a primary resource for science journalists and aspiring science writers for the last decade.
The Craft of Science Writing - Wikipedia ~ The Craft of Science Writing: Selections from The Open Notebook is a non-fiction book edited by Siri Carpenter and published in 2020 by The Open Notebook . Synopsis. The Craft of Science Writing presents more than 30 articles, some new, others previously published on The Open Notebook website, organized to answer five questions: "Who is a science journalist and how do you become one? What .
The Open Notebook ~ RSVP for the Launch Party for The Craft of Science Writing Feb 13 in Seattle! TON Editors. Announcements Etc. Meet the Newest TON/BWF Early-Career Fellows, Shira Feder and Katherine Wu TON Editors. Announcements Etc. Donations to TON Will Be Matched Through December 31 Siri Carpenter . Interviews See All. Samanth Subramanian’s A Dominant Character Recounts the Story of J.B.S. Haldane, Whose .
The Craft of Scientific Writing, 3rd Edition: Alley ~ The goal of writing in science is to communicate information. Unfortunately too many people in science, including myself, write in a manner that is little more than unintelligible. Having read this book, I now feel sorry for the people who had to read my work. Too much scientific literature is poorly crafted and it is only natural that newcomers try to science emulate this poor style.
The Open Notebook - Wikipedia ~ The Open Notebook (TON) is a science journalism non-profit organization, online magazine, and publisher. Its purpose is to help science journalists improve their skills. It publishes articles and interviews on the craft of science writing and maintains a database of successful pitch letters to editors. TON also runs a paid fellowship program for early-career science journalists. The Open .
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