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    The Illustrated World of Couture

    Beschreibung The Illustrated World of Couture. A stunning exploration of fashion's premier art form with internationally renowned illustrator Megan Hess.Hundreds of hours, many expert hands and unimaginable metres of fabric: couture is truly wearable art, where creativity and craftsmanship collide. Megan Hess has spent her career documenting fashion's most beautiful people, places and pieces. In The Illustrated World of Couture, she brings to life its most important &; and intriguing &; art form, with fascinating insights and exceptional illustrations. Worn by only a handful of people worldwide, couture still has incredible influence, even beyond the traditional boundaries of fashion. In this unique collection, follow Megan through the intricate details, multifaceted inspirations and dramatic shows that define the couture experience. Let her introduce you to the generations of creators who conceive and craft these fantastical garments, and the collectors who treasure them. And travel with her to the exclusive ateliers and glamorous events of the world's fashion capitals to see how couture is both designed and displayed.Megan Hess invites you to discover The Illustrated World of Couture in this essential volume for all fashion devotees.

    Buch The Illustrated World of Couture PDF ePub

    The Illustrated World of Couture von Megan Hess ~ The Illustrated World of Couture. Gebundenes Buch. Jetzt bewerten Jetzt bewerten. Merkliste; Auf die Merkliste; Bewerten Bewerten; Teilen Produkt teilen Produkterinnerung Produkterinnerung Worn by only a handful of people worldwide, couture still has incredible influence, even beyond the traditional boundaries of fashion. In this unique collection, follow Megan through the intricate details .

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    Dior: Couture: : Sischy, Ingrid, Demarchelier ~ Dior was started in Paris by designer Christian Dior in 1946. In addition to haute couture, Dior also produces ready-to-wear, men’s couture, accessories, and perfume. Patrick Demarchelier is one of the best-known fashion photographers in the world. His work appears in top fashion magazines, including Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamour, and Marie Claire.

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    Thomas von Nordheim - ~ Shows how to make a ladies' jacket from preparation through to assembly and reveals the exquisite finishing details that are the hallmark of couture tailoring. Superbly illustrated with 417 colour step-by-step photographs.Thomas von Nordheim is a tailor of international repute.

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    Thomas Couture – Wikipedia ~ Leben. Couture war ein Schüler von Antoine-Jean Gros und Paul Delaroche.Er gewann Anfang der 1840er Jahre hohes Ansehen, da er die Eleganz der Zeichnung, die der klassischen französischen Schule eigen war, mit einem erhöhten Reiz der Farbe und Schwung der Darstellung zu verbinden wusste; man stand nicht an, ihn als französischen Veronese zu bezeichnen und an sein Auftreten die Hoffnung auf .

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