Beschreibung Nautical Tourism. Nautical tourism encompasses aspects of marine tourism such as sailing, yachting, cruising and diving, as well as harbor-side developments, coastal water sports such as jet skiing, boat shows, port tours, and marine heritage destinations. Nautical tourism as an industry has been developing rapidly in scope and economic status and continues to do so. This book provides a timely analysis of nautical tourism in Europe, examining the provision and expansion of nautical tourism in economies at different stages of development. The book also covers nautical tourism in The Pacific, providing an analysis of two very different markets, and addresses the perceived North American take-over of cruising in Europe to provide insight into the global issues affecting nautical tourism. The book covers matters of current concern such as the role of nautical tourism in economic growth, sustainable development, international policy, consumer demand and the world market, development strategies, arctic tourism and the future potential of nautical tourism. Written by an international team of contributors, the book also includes fascinating case studies to further explain and explore current concepts in nautical tourism.
Nautical Tourism - Google Books ~ Nautical tourism encompasses aspects of marine tourism such as sailing, yachting, cruising and diving, as well as harbor-side developments, coastal water sports such as jet skiing, boat shows, port tours, and marine heritage destinations. Nautical tourism as an industry has been developing rapidly in scope and economic status and continues to do so.
Nautical Tourism - Lukovic, Tihomir, Ph.D. - : Bücher ~ Nautical Tourism / Lukovic, Tihomir, Ph.D. / ISBN: 9781780642444 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Nautical tourism (eBook, 2013) [WorldCat] ~ Nautical Tourism Market Suppliers on the Black Sea -- 7. Main Characteristics of European Nautical Tourism \/ T. Lukovic.\/span>\"@ en\/a> ; \n schema:description\/a> \" Contents note continued: 8. Demand for Nautical Tourism in Europe -- Case Study Croatia \/ S. Horak -- 8.1. Research Methods -- 8.2. Yachting Tourism -- 8.3 .
Nautical Tourism and Its Function in the Economic ~ Nautical tourism is a sum of poly-functional activities and relations tha t are caused by the tourists-boaters' stay within or out of the ports of nautical tourism, and by the use of ve ssels or other objects related to the nautical and tourist activities, for the purpose of recreation, sports, entertainment or other needs . 4 This definition has elements of a real, conceptual and nominal .
Nautical tourism – the advantages and effects of development ~ 2 Nautical tourism in Croatia – past development The beginnings of nautical tourism on the Croatian coast date between the two world wars. At that time boaters were using services of the existing ports on land and on the islands. It was only late in the 1960s that the planning of building ports for nautical tourists only started. The first interval of construction of marinas lasted from 1975 .
Nautical tourism - Wikipedia ~ Nautical tourism, also called water tourism, is tourism that combines sailing and boating with vacation and holiday activities. It can be travelling from port to port in a cruise ship, or joining boat-centered events such as regattas or landing a small boat for lunch or other day recreation at specially prepared day boat-landings. It is a form of tourism that is generally more popular in the .
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