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    Agarwal, S: Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases

    Beschreibung Agarwal, S: Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases. Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and has a clear, user-friendly structure. Covering the practical applications of research and the key emerging issues for royal, dark, festival, sport, gastronomic, slow and pro-poor tourism, among others, it includes contributions and case studies by international academics and practitioners. Sometimes referred to as niche or contemporary tourism, this book provides a complete introduction to the study of special interest tourism for students.

    Buch Agarwal, S: Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases PDF ePub

    Special Interest Tourism - CABI ~ Special Interest Tourism Concepts, Contexts and Cases. Edited by: Sheela Agarwal, University of Plymouth, UK, Graham Busby, University of Plymouth, UK, Rong Huang, University of Plymouth, UK January 2018 / Paperback / 234 Pages / 9781780645667. January 2018 / ePDF 9781780645674 / ePub 9781786394323. Format. $65.00 / £39.99 / €55.00. Add to Basket / / Request Inspection Copy. Request e .

    Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases ~ Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases (English Edition) eBook: Agarwal, S., Busby, G., Huang, R., Agarwal, S., Busby, G., Huang, R.: .

    Special Interest Tourism - Concepts, Contexts, and Cases ~ Request PDF / Special Interest Tourism - Concepts, Contexts, and Cases / Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more .

    Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases ~ Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases . Read chapter 17: Conclusion, pp.196-211. High Use copy held in the Central Library. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Book Author(s) Sheela Agarwal, Graham Busby, Rong Huang Date 2018 Publisher CABI Publishing ISBN-10 178064566X ISBN-13 9781780645667. 9781780645667,9781780645667. Preview. This item appears on. List: TOUR7050 St .

    Special Interest Tourism: Concepts, Contexts and Cases ~ Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and has a clear, user-friendly structure. Covering the practical applications of research and the key emerging issues for royal, dark .

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