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    PrestaShop Module Development (English Edition)

    Beschreibung PrestaShop Module Development (English Edition). Develop and customize powerful modules for PrestaShop 1.5 and 1.6About This BookCreate and customize PrestaShop modules quickly and easilyProvide a strong foundation in module development for developers who are new to PrestaShopExplore the advanced features of PrestaShop with clear and practical instructionsWho This Book Is ForIf you are a developer who is new to PrestaShop and wants to get a good foundation in development on the PrestaShop framework, this book is for you. It's assumed that you will have some experience with PHP5, jQuery, and HTML/CSS (no need to be an expert on it).What You Will Learn Code your own module from scratch Explore best practices for database table creation Use hooks or implement overrides Discover the many native methods available in PrestaShop Make new administration tools Create fully functional payment modules Develop carrier modules Secure and optimize your modules Build functionalities compliant with the multistore feature In DetailThe number of e-commerce websites has drastically increased in these past few years. Building your own web store is a complex and expensive task; that's why open source solutions such as PrestaShop have become so successful in tackling this issue. The main interest with open source solutions is that you can easily add or edit features by creating modules.This practical, hands-on guide provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises to help you understand how PrestaShop works, and also help you add and edit features.Starting with the basics, this book takes you through complete module development in an effective manner. You will learn about module architecture, what a hook is, and how to use it to add functionalities to PrestaShop. You will also see how to build payment and carrier modules and make your module multistore-ready. Develop PrestaShop modules the right way and make them secure and compliant with different versions of PrestaShop.

    Buch PrestaShop Module Development (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Introduction :: PrestaShop Developer Documentation ~ The major module development changes in PrestaShop 1.7 are explained in details in this Build article, and are integrated into this updated documentation. If you already know how to create a module that works with PS 1.6, we strongly advise you to read that article from top to bottom in order to get up to speed with 1.7 development. Some native modules have had their names changed in .

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