Beschreibung Comino, S: Industrial Organisation of High-Technology Marke. This text rigorously blends theory with real-world applications to study the industrial organisation of the ICT sector. Each of the self-contained chapters, which can be studied in isolation, contains theoretical models that are presented in a clear and accessible way. Throughout, a series of useful boxes complements and elucidates the theories with additional empirical/anecdotal evidence. This text will be of great interest to advanced undergraduate students with a background in microeconomics and game theory, particularly those taking courses in industrial organisation, innovation economics and the economics of networks.The authors address the most important issues and are able to explore and explain complex theories and concepts in a clear, logical and coherent manner. Some of the topics covered include: the economics of innovation digital markets network externalities two-sided networks imitation, open source and file sharing antitrust in high-tech sectors.
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