Beschreibung Smith, J: Transforming Travel: Realising the Potential of Sustainable Tourism (Cabi Concise). Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change.- A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism.- A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges.Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.
(PDF) Transforming travel: realising the potential of ~ Transforming travel: realising the potential of sustainable tourism. Article (PDF Available) in Journal of Ecotourism · April 2018 with 174 Reads How we measure 'reads' A 'read' is counted each .
Transforming Travel - CABI ~ Transforming Travel Realising the potential of sustainable tourism. By: Jeremy Smith, Travindy, UK December 2017 / Paperback / 124 Pages / 9781786394194. December 2017 / ePDF 9781786394200 / ePub 9781786394217 . Series : CABI Concise. Format. $30.00 / £17.99 / €25.00. Add to Basket / / Request e-Inspection Copy. Open resources. Description Table of contents Readership Review Author .
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Transforming Travel: Realising the Potential of ~ Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world
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