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    Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Tr

    Beschreibung Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Tr. Using a combination of theoretical discussion and real-world case studies, this book analyses the use of robotics, artificial intelligence and services automation (RAISA) within the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. Divided into two sections, the book first concentrates on the theoretical aspects surrounding the use of RAISA in travel, tourism and hospitality. Themes explored include:economic fundamentalscustomer attitudeschatbot adoptionservice qualityFollowing on from this, the second section concentrates on current and future use of RAISA technologies in specific subsectors of the tourism economy: hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, museums, and events. With an international scope of authorship and focus, the book is a useful reference source for scholars, students, and general readers interested in robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies. Alongside this, the business insights and case studies examined in the book offer practitioners guidance on how these technologies can and will be incorporated into organizations, particularly those in the travel and tourism industry.

    Buch Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Tr PDF ePub

    Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in ~ In book: Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality (pp.157-183) Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited

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    Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory, Design and ~ Klappentext zu „Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory, Design and Applications “ Since the late 1960s, there has been a revolution in robots and industrial automation, from the design of robots with no computing or sensorycapabilities (first-generation), to the design of robots with limited computational power and feedback capabilities (second-generation), and the design of intelligent .

    How robots change the world / Oxford Economics ~ What automation really means for jobs and productivity. Download the report now. The robotics revolution is rapidly accelerating, as fast-paced technological advances in automation, engineering, energy storage, artificial intelligence and machine learning converge. The far-reaching results will transform the capabilities of robots and their ability to take over tasks once carried out by humans .

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