Beschreibung "I only smoke when I drink...": Easy ways to have hard conversations as a life agent.. Need help closing life sales? Who doesn't? I've packed this book with helpful hints, tricks and tips to do just that. Struggling with chargebacks or randomly cancelled policies? Suffering from clients hopping on the 'be-back-bus'? Looking for new qualifying questions, closes, slick statements or transitions? This book might be the book for you. Unsure how to tell if someone is a prospect or just suspect? This book might be the book for you. I've packed this tiny little book with mounds of new content and useful info to help you convert more prospects into clients. Believe it or not our industry existed without agents for about 100 years. What might be even more unbelievable is that for most of that time since then, agents could sell without a license! A lot has changed in our industry and a lot will change. What will remain consistent are agents just like you who invest in their brain, who invest in education and continue to develop their practice. Think of this book like an investment, by simply diverging about the amount of money it would cost for a couple of cups of coffee, you to can obtain this incredible book.
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