Beschreibung How to Buy & Run Your Own Hotel. Author Mark Lloyd learnt the hard way how to buy and run his own hotel. He decided to write the book he wished he had been able to find when he first did it. The lessons he has learned and the experience he has gained will inspire all those thinking of a similar venture to turn their pipe dream into reality. Running a hotel is a tough business, but it' also a most rewarding and stimulating one. This book is full of up-to-date information for the aspiring or novice hotelier as well as those already in business and striving to meet customer expectations. If you are thinking about changing career direction and think that running your own hotel might be an exciting and rewarding way of earning a living, this step-by-step guide will provide you with a unique insight into the daily routine of a hotel owner so that you'll know what's in store for you. It covers everything you need to know about the process of buying and running a hotel and shares the real life experiences of its hotelier author. It presents the realities of being your own boss. It shows: how to manage the purchase process and how to finance your purchase. It helps in writing the business plan; planning your first few days of being a hotelier. It shows a year in the life of a hotel owner. It offers an A to Z of practical advice, from accounting to creating your website.Contents: Preface; 1. So you think you want to run a hotel; 2. Being your own boss - the reality; 3. The purchase - practical advice on the initial stages; 4; Considering making a purchase; 5. Making an offer and what happens next?; 6. Preparation is the key; 7. A year in the life of a hotel owner; 8. Diary of a hotelier; Our story from the beginning; Appendix; Index;
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