Beschreibung How to work as a Freelance Journalist. It is the perfect introduction for career changers, writers, university graduates, school and college leavers, communications professionals and those who just wants a rewarding part-time challenge. In it you'll discover: - the tools of the trade - news, views, reviews, opinion pieces, plus feature writing, travel writing, music writing, sports writing - what it's like to step into the unknown and work for yourself - how to pitch your ideas successfully to editors - how to brainstorm original ideas - how to market yourself as a freelance journalist. You'll also find tips and advice from a wide range of successful freelance journalists and editors, including: Simon Calder, Editor of the Independent Traveller magazine; Phil Sutcliffe, freelance music journalist for Q, Sounds and Mojo; Lia Leendertz, The Guardian Weekend magazine's gardening columnist; and Damien Barr, Lifestyle journalist for The Times.Contents: Introduction; Part One - Learning to write as a journalist; 1. Tool of the trade; 2. Who is the audience?; 3. Writing reviews; 4. Writing opinion pieces; 5. And now for the new; 6. Feature writing; 7. Travel writing; 8. Lifestyle writing; 9. Sports writing; 10. Music Journalism; 11. Finding ideas; 12. How to approach editors; 13. The journalist and PR relationship; 14. Improving your writing skills; 15. Media Law basics; 16. Media ethics; Part One - The business of freelancing; 17. Stepping into the unknown; 18. Gaining industry experience; 19. Marketing yourself; 20. Planning, organisation and time management; 21. Negotiating; 22. Self-employment checklist; 23. Self-employment: the pros and cons; 24. Working from home; Appendix 1: Jargon Buster; Appendix 2: Further reading; Appendix 3: Further training. Index.
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Becoming a Freelance Broadcast Journalist / MOTHER EARTH NEWS ~ I have recently discovered, to my delight, that a broadcast journalist can make it on his own as a freelancer. In fact, I'm now making my living this way and I'm going to tell you how I do it.
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How to become a freelancer in the UK: a guide ~ Work out how much you’re going to charge. This is possibly the most important part of becoming a freelancer: you need to work out how much you’re going to charge, either as a flat project-based fee, or as a daily (or hourly) rate. Do some basic research and get a sense of the going rate for your services or skillset. Of course, it’s going .
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