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    Costing for the Fashion Industry

    Beschreibung Costing for the Fashion Industry. Costing for the Fashion Industry offers a clear, concise examination of the issues involved in budgeting and costing for the rapidly changing fashion industry. Accessibly written and designed specifically for the teaching of fashion-related subjects, it encourages a realistic awareness of costing, manufacture and sourcing. Each chapter focuses on a theme such as the changing nature of cost and of the industry, time constraints, global awareness and new markets, and product cost and sourcing. The chapters include exercises to reinforce learning, as well as case studies and guides to further learning. Michael Jeffrey and Nathalie Evans combine many years of teaching and practical experience in accounting, buying and production for the fashion industry. Costing for the Fashion Industry is a practical, easy-to-use textbook which enables the reader to successfully put into practice the basic costing methods essential to students of fashion.

    Buch Costing for the Fashion Industry PDF ePub

    ï»żDownload: Costing for the Fashion Industry PDF ~ Read or Download Costing for the Fashion Industry Book by Nathalie Evans, Michael Jeffrey. It is one of the best seller books in 2020. Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. Costing for the Fashion Industry by Nathalie Evans, Michael Jeffrey . Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Hardcover Author: Nathalie Evans, Michael Jeffrey Number of Pages: 183 Price .

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    Costing for the Fashion Industry: Michael Jeffrey: Berg ~ Costing for the Fashion Industry offers a clear, concise examination of the issues involved in budgeting and costing for the rapidly changing fashion industry. Accessibly written and designed specifically for the teaching of fashion-related subjects, it encourages a realistic awareness of costing, manufacture and sourcing. Each chapter focuses on a theme such as the changing nature of cost and .

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    Costing for the Fashion Industry: : Jeffrey ~ "Costing for the Fashion Industry" offers a clear, concise examination of the issues involved in budgeting and costing for the rapidly changing fashion industry. Accessibly written and designed specifically for the teaching of fashion-related subjects, it encourages a realistic awareness of costing, manufacture and sourcing. Each chapter focuses on a theme such as the changing nature of cost and of the industry, time constraints, global awareness and new markets, and product cost and .

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    Pricing Your Fashion Line - StartUp FASHION ~ Costing and pricing your fashion line can feel overwhelming and, well, just plain hard. It’s not exactly at the top of our list of fun things to do. The problem is that costing your line too low means you won’t make money and pricing too high means you cannot compete in the market. I had a hard time costing and pricing my line when I first started out but as time went by I figured out a .

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