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    Slow Travel and Tourism (Tourism, Environment and Development)

    Beschreibung Slow Travel and Tourism (Tourism, Environment and Development). It is widely recognized that travel and tourism can have a high environmental impact and make a major contribution to climate change. It is therefore vital that ways to reduce these impacts are developed and implemented. 'Slow travel' provides such a concept, drawing on ideas from the 'slow food' movement with a concern for locality, ecology and quality of life.The aim of this book is to define slow travel and to discuss how some underlining values are likely to pervade new forms of sustainable development. It also aims to provide insights into the travel experience; these are explored in several chapters which bring new knowledge about sustainable transport tourism from across the world. In order to do this the book explores the concept of slow travel and sets out its core ingredients, comparing it with related frameworks such as low-carbon tourism and sustainable tourism development. The authors explain slow travel as holiday travel where air and car transport is rejected in favour of more environmentally benign forms of overland transport, which generally take much longer and become incorporated as part of the holiday experience. The book critically examines the key trends in tourism transport and recent climate change debates, setting out the main issues facing tourism planners. It reviews the potential for new consumption patterns, as well as current business models that facilitate hyper-mobility. This provides a cutting edge critique of the 'upstream' drivers to unsustainable tourism. Finally, the authors illustrate their approach through a series of case studies from around the world, featuring travel by train, bus, cycling and walking. Examples are drawn from Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas. Cases include the Eurostar train (as an alternative to air travel), walking in the Appalachian Trail (US), the Euro-Velo network of long-distance cycling routes, canoe tours on the Gudena River in Denmark, sea kayaking in British Columbia (Canada) and the Oz Bus Europe to Australia.

    Buch Slow Travel and Tourism (Tourism, Environment and Development) PDF ePub

    Slow Travel and Tourism (Tourism, Environment and ~ In order to do this the book explores the concept of slow travel and sets out its core ingredients, comparing it with related frameworks such as low-carbon tourism and sustainable tourism development. The authors explain slow travel as holiday travel where air and car transport is rejected in favour of more environmentally benign forms of overland transport, which generally take much longer and become incorporated as part of the holiday experience. The book critically examines the key trends .

    Slow Travel and Tourism (Tourism, Environment and ~ In order to do this the book explores the concept of slow travel and sets out its core ingredients, comparing it with related frameworks such as low-carbon tourism and sustainable tourism development. The authors explain slow travel as holiday travel where air and car transport is rejected in favour of more environmentally benign forms of overland transport, which generally take much longer .

    Slow Travel and Tourism Tourism, Environment and ~ In order to do this the book explores the concept of slow travel and sets out its core ingredients, comparing it with related frameworks such as low-carbon tourism and sustainable tourism development. The authors explain slow travel as holiday travel where air and car transport is rejected in favour of more environmentally benign forms of overland transport, which generally take much longer and become incorporated as part of the holiday experience. The book critically examines the .

    Slow Travel - Wie man langsam, nachhaltig und bewusst reist ~ Beim Slow Travel steht die Verbindung zum Urlaubsort, seinen Einwohnern und deren Kultur im Mittelpunkt. Es bietet den Urlaubern die Möglichkeit, bewusst in das regionale Leben einzutauchen. Durch das viel besprochene Buch „Slow Travel: Die Kunst des Reisens“ des britischen Autors Dan Kieran erlebte der Slow Travel Trend 2013 einen Aufschwung.

    Slow Tourism: Experiences and Mobilities - Google Books ~ This book examines the emerging phenomenon of slow tourism, addressing growing consumer concerns with quality leisure time, environmental and cultural sustainability, as well as the embodied experience of place. Drawing on a range of international case studies, the book explores how slow tourism encapsulates a range of lifestyle practices, mobilities and ethics.

    Slow Travel – kurzlebiger Trend oder geniales Konzept ~ Slow Travel ist deshalb ein sinnvolles Konzept fĂŒr alle und auch bei Fernreisen, denn Slow Travel-Elemente können eigentlich in fast jeden Urlaub integriert werden. Sightseeing und echtes Erleben mĂŒssen sich schließlich nicht ausschließen. Schau Dir zum Beispiel an einem Tag die Altstadt von Prag an und verbringe den nĂ€chsten in der Vorstadt, abseits der bevorzugten Touristenrouten .

    TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ~ most tourist regions of developing countries, sewage, wastewater and solid waste disposal are not properly managed or planned. Lastly, tourism is also responsible for a considerable proportion of increased volumes and mileage in global transport and hence the associated environmentally damaging pollutant emissions. The tourism industry has not shown sufficient willingness to (internalise or .

    Tourism Growth, Development and Impacts ~ Tourism Growth, Development and Impacts ppart 1-h8492.indd 1art 1-h8492.indd 1 22/25/2008 3:27:12 PM/25/2008 3:27:12 PM . ppart 1-h8492.indd 2art 1-h8492.indd 2 22/25/2008 3:27:12 PM/25/2008 3:27:12 PM. 3 Social change and the growth of tourism Learning objectives At the end of this chapter you should: be aware of a variety of definitions of tourism; be aware of a number of dimensions and .

    Negative Environmental Impacts Of Tourism - TheWorldCounts ~ Negative environmental impacts of tourism. The negative environmental impacts of tourism are substantial. They include the depletion of local natural resources as well as pollution and waste problems. Tourism often puts pressure on natural resources through over-consumption, often in places where resources are already scarce. Tourism puts enormous stress on local land use, and can lead to soil .

    What Are The Negative Effects Of Tourism On The Environment? ~ Due to the rapid growth in international tourism, tourists now account for nearly 60% of air travel. In many places, buses or other vehicles leave their motors running to ensure that tourists return to comfortable air-conditioned vehicles. Such practices further pollute the air. Tourism Leads To Noise Pollution. Tourists destinations are often subject to significant noise pollution. Tourists .

    Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals – Journey to ~ Development Goals (SDGs) sets the path that we all must embrace. With currently 1.2 billion tourists crossing borders each year, tourism has a profound and wide-ranging impact on societies, the environment and the economy. Representing 10% of world GDP, 1 in 10 jobs and 7% of global exports, tourism

    What is Slow Tourism ? Benefits of Slow Travel / Complete ~ Benefits of Slow Tourism: Inculcate is what it wants you to do. Yes, we are full of something non-existent. That certain something drives you on a schedule. Strains you mentally and physically. Stress is what we call it. The daily fast life of ours give a heavy dose. Slow tourism wants you to live slowly.

    Tourism Trends: 16 Opportunities for The Tourism Industry ~ We piled up the most significant upcomimng tourism trends for 2021. So, start impressing your guest and outpace your competitors.

    Tourism Statistics / World Tourism Organization ~ Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually. Please find the detailed list of the countries updated here (September .

    The Tourism Crisis: Impacts and Solutions / HuffPost ~ The tourism crisis is the impacts that adding 800 million additional international visitors per year to the tourism industry, not to mention the increase of tourism visits that may take place within national borders. Adding 800 million visitors a year is the equivalent of adding 8 or 9 Walt Disney Worlds to the tourism industry.

    Overtourism. What is overtourism and how can we avoid it. ~ There had been a slow drip feed of tourism into cities such as Barcelona, Venice and Dubrovnik, into places one thought of as remote such as Iceland and Skye, and finally, as the balance tipped and this new concept was given a name, the protests spread. There were marches in the streets, graffiti saying “Tourist go home”, and in some cases local authorities responded by increasing fees .

    Slow Travel - Zukunftsinstitut ~ Slow Travel dient also keineswegs nur der Erholung von den Strapazen des hektischen Normalzustands, um anschließend wieder regeneriert in den Wahnsinn abzutauchen. Diese bewusstere Form des Freizeitkonsums wird vielmehr vom Wunsch nach persönlichem Wachstum getragen, das nach dem Slow-Erlebnis weiterwirkt. Es ist diese individuelle Erfahrung .

    The Future of Tourism Post-COVID-19 / ESCAP ~ As the world slowly turns back to normal it is very likely that international travel restrictions will linger on to avoid “importing” new COVID-19 cases, particularly among some SIDS who have yet to report a case (e.g. Samoa). To support their tourism sectors, countries may purposefully restrict outward travel and encourage local tourism as a substitute (e.g. by easing private loans while .

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism - Wikipedia ~ The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the tourism industry due to the resulting travel restrictions as well as slump in demand among travelers. The tourism industry has been massively affected by the spread of coronavirus, as many countries have introduced travel restrictions in an attempt to contain its spread.The United Nations World Tourism Organization estimated that global .

    Impacts of tourism. To what extent is tourism a blessing ~ Wildlife-Tourism is a very common way of travel nowadays. Especially elephants are being used as a tourist attraction to provide legendary elephant rides or to watch them doing different acts. The bad side of wildlife-tourism according to elephants is that they do not live in their natural environment. Elephants are being kept in captivity and need to learn a lot of things they would not .

    Weltorganisation fĂŒr Tourismus – Wikipedia ~ Die Weltorganisation fĂŒr Tourismus, englisch World Tourism Organization (amtliche AbkĂŒrzung UNWTO, zur Unterscheidung zur World Trade Organization offiziell WTO) ist eine Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen mit Sitz in Spaniens Hauptstadt Madrid und rund 100 Mitarbeitern. Zielsetzung. Die UNWTO, verstanden als internationales Forum fĂŒr Tourismuspolitik und Schnittstelle fĂŒr .

    Tourism Geographies: Vol 22, No 4-5 ~ An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment. 2019 Impact Factor. 3.159 Search in: Advanced search. Submit an article . New content alerts RSS. Subscribe. Citation search. Citation search. Current issue Browse list of issues Explore. Top; About this journal. Aims and scope; Instructions for authors; Journal information; Editorial board; Related websites; Editorial policies .

    Slow Tourism: Exploring the discourses - Dos Algarves ~ ZSlow travel [ and slow tourism are relatively new, but contested, concepts. This paper examines the meanings ascribed to them in the academic literature and websites targeted at potential tourists. It finds concurrence on aspects of savouring time at the destination and investing time to appreciate the locality, its people, history, culture and products, but detects different emphases. The .

    Home / UNWTO ~ Measures to Support Travel and Tourism Tourism Recovery Tracker. Restarting Tourism . Work together to build a tourism sector that works for everyone, where sustainability and innovation are part of everything we do. UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. Executive Council – 112th session, Tbilisi, Georgia. This crisis has made clear the important role tourism plays in every part of .

    Tourism Statistics - OECD ~ Data / research on tourism & hotels inc. Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, Food & Tourism Experience, climate change & tourism, Tourism Satellite Account, int. recommendations for tourism statistics, Tourism statistics represent a useful tool to support decision-making in business and in the private sector.