Beschreibung Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society). There are two questions often asked of risk communication: what has been learned from past work, and what is needed to push the field forward? Drawing on the experience of leading risk researchers and practitioners, Effective Risk Communication focuses on answering these questions. The book draws together new examples of research and practice from contexts as diverse as energy generation, human health, nuclear waste, climate change, food choice, and social media. This book treats risk communication as much more than the interchange of risk information between experts and non-experts; rather, it aims to emphasise the diversity in viewpoints and practices.In each specially commissioned chapter, the authors reflect on the theoretical and applied underpinnings of their best projects and comment on how their approach could be used effectively by others. Building upon each other, the chapters will provoke new discussion and action around a discipline which many feel is neither meeting important needs in practice, nor living up to its potential in research. Through a more careful examination of the work already done in risk communication, the book will help develop better, more reflective practice for the future.
Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society ~ Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society) / Joseph Arvai / ISBN: 9781849712651 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society ~ Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society) / Arvai, Joseph, Rivers, Louie, III / ISBN: 9781849712644 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Effective Risk Communication Earthscan Risk in Society ~ Effective Risk Communication (Earthscan Risk in Society) (2013-10-05) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Risk Analysis and Human Behavior Earthscan Risk in Society ~ Risk Analysis and Human Behavior (Earthscan Risk in Society, Band 26) / Fischhoff, Baruch (Carnegie Mellon University) / ISBN: 9781849714426 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Risk Communication - an overview / ScienceDirect Topics ~ Although risk communication emerged as a distinct concept within the risk science community in the early 1970s, the term was first used in the scientific literature in 1984, a product of the growing interest in the theory of risk perception, which used psychological research to explain how individuals and groups formulated and maintained different views about risk acceptability. Until the mid .
Art as a Form of Communication - Video & Lesson Transcript ~ Communication through art can be achieved in many ways that don't rely on words. Sometimes they're obvious, like a celebratory image of a political leader. But other times, artworks communicate .