Beschreibung Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition (Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism). The hosting of sports events whether large international events, or smaller niche interest events has huge and long-lasting impacts on the local environment, economy and industry. Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition provides students and event managers with an insight into the strategic management of sports events of all scales and nature. The framework offers a planning process that can be used to understand the importance of a strategic approach, and shows how to implement strategies that can achieve successful sports events over the short and long-term. The text uses international case studies throughout to offer real-world insight in both larger and smaller events. Plus, in this new Olympic edition, a case study from the Beijing Olympiad is included in each chapter. Through this topical and timely addition to the text, we can understand the lessons to be learned by events mangers of events of all sizes. Written by an experienced author and using first-hand research the text looks at: the organizations involved such as the IOC, FIFA and IAAF, and their interactions with charities, the media and promotersthe short-term and long-term benefits of the planning processevaluating the event, its impacts and legacies operational strategies including finance, ticketing, transport, venues, IT, communications, equipment and personnelthe bidding process and what is required for a successful bid Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition builds on the substantial success of the first edition and is vital reading for students and practitioners alike.
Strategic Sports Event Management - Guy Masterman - Google ~ The hosting of sports events - whether large international events, or smaller niche interest events - has huge and long-lasting impacts on the local environment, economy and industry. Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic edition provides students and event managers with an insight into the strategic management of sports events of all scales and nature.
Strategic Sports Event Management / Taylor & Francis Group ~ Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition provides students and event managers with an insight into the strategic management of sports events of all scales and nature. The framework offers a planning process that can be used to understand the importance of a strategic approach, and shows how to implement strategies that can achieve successful sports events over the short and long-term.
Strategic Sports Event Management 3rd Edition - ~ Strategic Sports Event Management provides students and event managers with an insight into the strategic management of sports events of all scales and types, from international mega-events to school sports. Combining a unique conceptual framework with a practical, step-by-step guide to planning, organising, managing and evaluating events, the book explains the importance of adopting a .
Strategic Sports Event - Псевдология, № 0950 ~ The Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Series Butterworth-Heinemann’s Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism series of books is aimed at both academic courses and management development programmes. The series represents a planned and targeted approach to the subject and the portfolio of titles provide texts that match management development needs through various stages from introductory to advanced .
Leisure Studies: Vol 39, No 6 - Taylor & Francis ~ Download multiple PDFs directly from your searches and from tables of contents; Easy remote access to your institution's subscriptions on any device, from any location; Save your searches and schedule alerts to send you new results; Choose new content alerts to be informed about new research of interest to you; Export your search results into a .csv file to support your research
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management - Elsevier ~ Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the official journal of CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Inc.) The journal is committed to a broad range of topics including tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies and the emerging field of event management.
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality ~ International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research - Volume 1 Issue 1 to Volume 14 Issue 4
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management: Vol 29, No 7 ~ Download citations. Choose format RIS (ProCit, Reference Manager) BibTeX RefWorks Direct Export. Download citations Download PDFs. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Volume 29, Issue 7 (2020) Articles . Article. The impact of artificial intelligence and employee service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Catherine Prentice , Sergio Dominique Lopes & Xuequn Wang . Pages .
Sports Events and Tourism Association - Professional ~ As the non-profit 501(c)3 trade association for the sport tourism industry in the United States, the Sports Events and Tourism Association (Sports ETA) is the most trusted resource for sports commissions, destination marketing organizations (DMOs), vendors, and sports event owners. Sports ETA is committed to the success of nearly 800 member organizations and 2,500 serious-minded, sport tourism .
Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research ~ Event management is the applied field of study and area of professional practice devoted to the design, production and management of planned events, encompassing festivals and other celebrations, entertainment, recreation, political and state, scientific, sport and arts events, those in the domain of business and corporate affairs (including meetings, conventions, fairs, and exhibitions), and .
Tourism Management Perspectives - Journal - Elsevier ~ Welcome to Tourism Management Perspectives, a companion title to the highly-regarded Tourism Management.. Tourism Management Perspectives is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism, including tourist experiences and the consequences of those experiences for communities, economies and environments.. It is also concerned with the creation of .
Olympic Sustainability - The IOC Sustainability Strategy ~ Sustainability is one of the three pillars of Olympic Agenda 2020 alongside credibility and youth. In line with its recommendations, the IOC has developed a Sustainability Strategy. Based on the responsibility of the IOC as an organization, as the owner of the Olympic Games, and as the leader of the Olympic Movement, it focuses on infrastructure and natural sites, sourcing and resource .
Classification & types of events - Event management ~ Private events are used for individuals who want certain guests to arrive at the venue. Private events will have a guest list to ensure the venue is not open to the public. There are a large number of private sector oganisations involved in commercial activities in the events management business. Clients who are looking for a suitable venue for .
Olympic Charter & other Official IOC Documents / Downloads ~ Official major reports, studies, publications and information on the Olympic Movement. Download the Code of Ethics, Host City Contracts, Annual Reports and more. skip to content. Menu. Olympic Games. Olympic Games; Olympic Winter Games; Youth Olympic Games; All . LA 2028; Milano Cortina 2026 . Paris 2024 . Beijing 2022 . Tokyo 2020 . Pyeongchang 2018 . Rio 2016 . Sochi 2014 . London 2012 .
Special event management and event marketing: A case study ~ analyze a sport event based on event management and event marketing perspectives. Data in the study was collected from primary as well as secondary data sources (observations, internet resources, press and visual media). The main data collection techniques employed was personal semi-structured interviewing and observations. The researchers carried out five group interviews, with key informants .
Event Management: Structure of an event management team ~ As exceptionally important people in the event management team, they should be identified and recruited as early as possible. Coordinators should be a part of the organising committee and collectively they will share in decision making processes with the Event Director.
Annals of Tourism Research / Journal / ScienceDirect ~ Read the latest articles of Annals of Tourism Research at ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
The Different Types of Events: A Complete List / Eventbrite UK ~ Recommended Reading: 6 Strategies for Organising Classes, Workshops and Seminars. And to inject some fun into your corporate events, organising an awards ceremony is a great way of saying thank you to staff and suppliers. Types of social events. There are plenty of reasons to get a group of people together away from a business or workplace environment. Social events should speak to someone’s .
Festival and Special Event Management, 5th Edition / Wiley ~ Festival and Special Event Management, 5th edition continues the comprehensive overview of the theory and procedures associated with festivals and special events established in previous editions. The new edition of this market-leading text introduces developments and professional tools, and considers the globalisation and subsequent internationalisation of event management.
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research: SAGE Journals ~ About this journal. The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (JHTR), is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, both conceptual and empirical, that clearly enhances the theoretical development of the hospitality and tourism field.JHTR encourages research based on a variety of methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Department of Tourism ~ Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on South Africa’s tourism industry The Tourism Industry Survey in South Africa: Covid-19 October 2020 Survey 3, is the third of three surveys to assist all relevant tourism stakeholders to gauge the depth of the crisis in the tourism sector of our country. The results of the surveys provide important additional data to the collaborative work that is .
World Sport and Business Summit / SportAccord ~ The Japan Sport Council, as a national sport agency, had more than 200 business meetings with the decision makers of Sports at SportAccord since 2012 and has successfully developed, through these direct dialogues, a number of international collaborations and projects from grass roots to a high performance level with Japan.
Event Management: What Is It? - thebalancesmb ~ Event Management vs. Event Planning . While very closely related, event management and event planning serve two different functions. In straightforward terms, event planners create the vision and many of the preliminary plans for an event, while managers execute the details before and during it.
Tourism & Hospitality Open Access Peer Reviewed Journals ~ Journal of Tourism and Hospitality publishes a broad range of topics including tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies, event management. GET THE APP. Home. Journals. A-Z Journals Browse By Subject. Guidelines & Policies . Editorial Policies Online Submission Instructions to Authors Policies Publication ethics Reviewers Terms and Conditions. Advertising Conferences .
Event Manager job description template / Workable ~ Knowledge of KPIs and marketing techniques for event management; Computer savvy; proficient in MS Office; Outstanding communication and negotiation ability ; Excellent organizational skills; A knack for problem-solving; Customer-service orientation; A team player with leadership skills; BSc/BA in PR, marketing, hospitality management or related field is preferred; Hiring Event Manager Post .