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    Big Blues: Unmaking of IBM

    Beschreibung Big Blues: Unmaking of IBM. This is the inside story of why one of the most successful enterprises in business history has had to cut back on staffing levels worldwide.IBM was THE word in computers!

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    Big Blues: Unmaking of IBM: : Paul B. Carroll ~ Big Blues: Unmaking of IBM / Paul B. Carroll / ISBN: 9780297813156 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM: : Paul Carroll ~ Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM / Paul Carroll / ISBN: 9780517591970 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM: : Carroll, Paul ~ Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM / Carroll, Paul / ISBN: 9780517882214 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Big blues : the unmaking of IBM : Carroll, Paul, 1957 ~ Big blues : the unmaking of IBM by Carroll, Paul, 1957-Publication date 1993 Topics International Business Machines Corporation, Computer industry, Empresas multinacionais, IBM, Computerindustrie Publisher New York : Crown Publishers Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Includes .

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    Big blues : the unmaking of IBM : Carroll, Paul, 1957 ~ Big blues : the unmaking of IBM by Carroll, Paul, 1957-Publication date 1994 Topics International Business Machines Corporation, Computer industry Publisher New York : Crown Publishers Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Includes bibliographical references (p. 370) and index Access .

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    Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM: Carroll, Paul ~ PCs upset all this, IBM got the original PC right mainly be ignoring IBM process and going outside the company for the bulk of the hardware and software but after the launch, the PC market grew to be so big that IBM wanted to make it strategic and to fit within the constraints of the mainframe / mini computer market. This turned out to be disastrous, IBM's hardware and software were rarely .

    Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM by Paul Carroll ~ Start your review of Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM. Write a review. Jul 13, 2011 Beth rated it it was amazing. This book details the epic fail that is IBM from 1980-1993. The word 'epic' is often abused nowadays but this was truly epic. I was enraptured by the detailed conversations, anecdotes, and personalities the author obviously had first-hand access to. I learned a lot about the computer .

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