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    Recreational Tourism: Demands and Impacts (Aspects of Tourism , 11, Band 11)

    Beschreibung Recreational Tourism: Demands and Impacts (Aspects of Tourism , 11, Band 11). Chris Ryan, as editor of Tourism Management, the author of several books and a researcher with an international reputation, has revisited his book, Recreational Tourism, after a gap of more than ten years. This new edition is an appraisal of that which is still thought to be valid, but with a significant updating in the light of new research. The structure of the book has been slightly changed to better reflect, not only current thinking, but the nature of existing texts and the greater degree of specialisation that now exists in the tourism literature. The book is primarily concerned with the determinants of tourism demand, the implications of that demand, and the problems posed for those who, in whatever capacity, seek to manage tourism at the destination level. After a new chapter that presents a history of tourism where the discerning reader can see that which is old and that which is new, the rest of the book analyses social, economic and psychological determinants of demand and discusses the broad aspects of destination change and the challenges presented to those responsible for managing such change. The book represents a learned introduction to the subject, a review of the developing literature and thinking that can be classified as broadly postpositivistic. In a curious manner it represents a return to the conventional, but within a new awareness of competing interpretations of one of the leading economic drivers of the new millennium.

    Buch Recreational Tourism: Demands and Impacts (Aspects of Tourism , 11, Band 11) PDF ePub

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    Impacts of tourism - Wikipedia ~ The impacts of tourism include the effects of tourism on the environment and on destination communities, and its economic contributions. It has been part off the tourism discourse since the 1970s, with attention growing in recent years due to debates on overtourism. Impacts are not easily categorized, having direct and indirect components. Tourism is also often seasonal, and impacts only .

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    The travel industry, a linchpin of the global economy, is ~ It's one of the largest industries in the world, with $5.7 trillion in revenue. It is responsible for an estimated 319 million jobs, or roughly one in 10 people working on the planet. And no .

    Annals of Tourism Research / Journal / ScienceDirect ~ 5.908 Impact Factor. Editors-in-Chief: Sara Dolnicar, Scott McCabe. View editorial board. View aims and scope . Explore journal content Latest issue Articles in press Article collections All issues. Sign in to set up alerts. RSS / open access RSS. Latest issues. Volume 86. In progress (January 2021) Volume 85. In progress (November 2020) Volume 84. September 2020. Volume 83. July 2020. View .

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    tourism / Definition, History, Types, Importance ~ Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. It is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity.

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    Impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry / Deloitte ~ The impact is huge, and not yet predictable, on both revenue and supply chains. Decisions being taken to shut down hotels, restaurants, theme parks, cinemas, not to mention the entire disruptive effect of the travel ecosystem, all have a significant impact on worldwide tourism. As a team, Operators and Investors are trying to mitigate the cash .

    Tourism booms as the Arctic melts - Hausarbeiten ~ “Polar tourism is … the branch of an industry that caters for people who travel for pleasure to Polar Regions.” 6 So, polar tourism is a vague term describing recreational visits of people from warmer countries to regions in the far North or South. The demand for new and exiting experiences has increased the growth of interest in experiencing high-quality natural environments and iconic .

    Effects / Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet ~ Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.